Lefties Melt Down Over Trump Calling on Daily Caller Reporter at Press Conference

March 6th, 2018 5:46 PM

President Trump hosted Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven Tuesday at the White House and, like with most foreign dignitary appearances, the two held a joint press conference featuring two reporters from each of their countries. Right on cue, some liberals turned into snowflakes upon seeing Trump call on the Daily Caller’s Saagar Enjeti. 

And just as they’ve done in the past (here, here, here, and here), it didn’t matter what these non-establishment journalists asked the President or if the questions were solid. What mattered to them was that they’re from conservative or right-of-center outlets, which meant they're Trump sycophants.



Before going to the petulant left, let’s look at what Enjeti actually asked the Löfven and Trump. First, he asked Trump if he “believe[s] that North Korea's recent willingness to talk is sincere or is it an effort to buy time for the nuclear program and to what do you owe this recent openness to talk?”

North Korea is a big news story, so that’s a perfectly fine question. Enjeti then shifted to domestic news with well-documented White House turmoil: “Also, sir, you tweeted today that you would like to see some change in the people around you. Does that include your Attorney General Jeff Sessions or either of your cabinet secretaries?”

For Löfven, Enjeti went where most liberal journalists wouldn’t go, which is mention the country’s struggles with the influx of Middle Eastern refugees. To bolster his case, Enjeti brought up The New York Times

Mr. Prime Minister, last year, you criticized the President for drawing a link between immigrant crime and the recent arrivals of refugees. This week, one of our own flagship papers, The New York Times, actually profiled a link between hand grenade violence and immigrant gang violence in your country. Do you stand by your criticism the President?

And now it’s time for the bitter journalists. Here’s Esquire writer and frequent MSNBC guest Charlie Pierce:

Perhaps the saltiest person on Twitter about this was Toronto Star’s Daniel Dale: 


Taking a more subtle route was NPR’s Domenico Montanaro and Pod Save America’s Tommy Vietor:

For good measure, another liberal Twitter users were more direct:

Here’s the relevant transcript from the White House joint press conference on March 6:

Presidential press conference
March 6, 2018
3:58 p.m. Eastern

SAAGAR ENJETI: Thank you Mr. President. Since it’s my first time before you, I thought you might indulge me with two questions. First, sir, do you believe that North Korea's recent willingness to talk is sincere or is it an effort to buy time for the nuclear program and to what do you owe this recent openness to talk?


3:59 p.m. Eastern

ENJETI: Also, sir, you tweeted today that you would like to see some change in the people around you. Does that include your Attorney General Jeff Sessions or either of your cabinet secretaries?


4:01 p.m. Eastern

ENJETI: Mr. Prime Minister, last year, you criticized the President for drawing a link between immigrant crime and the recent arrivals of refugees. This week, one of our own flagship papers, The New York Times, actually profiled a link between hand grenade violence and immigrant gang violence in your country. Do you stand by your criticism the President?