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Carl Cameron

Ex-Fox Personality Wants to Throw Current Fox Personalities in Jail
May 18th, 2022 9:16 AM
Former Fox News chief political correspondent Carl Cameron joined MSNBC Deadline: White House on Tuesday to discuss the aftermath of the mass shooting in Buffalo by a white supremacist. According to Cameron, it is time to consider throwing certain, current Fox personalities in jail.

CNN on Fox: 'The Problem With All of This Is We Have Free Speech'
July 23rd, 2021 4:04 PM
On Thursday's CNN Newsroom, Carl Cameron and host Alisyn Camerota, both a couple of former Fox News personalities, questioned the motives of their former employer's vaccine advocacy. Cameron was so disgusted with Fox and conservative media's vaccine coverage that he declared, "The problem with all of this is we have free speech and it doesn't entirely include lying."
‘Death Watch’: CNN Media Panel Likens Trump Health to Stalin’s Demise
October 4th, 2020 1:33 PM
With CNN’s glee at seeing President Trump hospitalized with COVID-19 and other media outlets whining about him getting the “best medical care possible,” it’s hard on to imagine which outcome they would relish. Adding to that notion on Sunday, the media panel for CNN’s so-called “Reliable Sources” almost said the quiet part out loud when New Yorker staff writer Masha Gessen…

Amanpour: 'Nobody More Complicit' Than Fox in 'Deadly' Journalism
April 10th, 2020 9:32 AM
On Wednesday's Amanpour & Co. (aired on PBS and CNN International), host Christiane Amanpour declared that "nobody is more complicit" than Fox News in questionable journalism, and likened the network's coverage of the pandemic to its coverage advocating for the war in Iraq that ended up failing to find the WMD stockpiles that were believed to exist.

Ex-CNN Reporter BEGS Media to Skip Biden's Gaffes, 'Elevating Trump'
September 2nd, 2019 10:07 AM
Vanity Fair is a reliable glossy partner with the Democratic establishment. Take the latest from Peter Hamby, who covered politics for CNN from 2005 to 2015 before scoring a gig doing news for the youngsters at Snapchat. His latest article carried a headling full of angst: “'Are We Really Going to Have a Gaffe-Fest Over Joe Biden?': How Clickbait and Outrage Porn Are Hurting Readers—and Elevating…

Nets Attach Words 'Sexual Assault' to Trump, But Not to Clinton
October 11th, 2016 5:55 PM
As the broadcast network evening newscasts on Monday recalled both the tape from 2005 revealing Donald Trump speaking lewdly about his behavior toward women, and Trump inviting women who have accused Bill Clinton of either sexual harassment or assault to Sunday's debate, there was an obvious double standard in the willingness to use the term "sexual assault" with regard to Trump's behavior, while…

ABC, NBC Join CNN in Ignoring Scandal Involving NY Governor Andrew Cuo
August 4th, 2014 12:20 PM
On Monday morning, broadcast networks ABC and NBC and cable news outlet CNN continued their blackout of the investigation into New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) and his shuttering of his own anti-corruption commission. Since the story broke on July 23 in The New York Times, neither one of these three news operations have covered the story.
CBS This Morning, which previously reported on the…

CNN Yawns at Cuomo Witness Tampering Scandal; Covers Firing of Marchin
August 1st, 2014 5:10 PM
As of 5pm ET on Friday, August 1, CNN has yet to cover the investigation into New York Governor Andrew Cuomo over his possible obstruction of a commission trying to expose political corruption in the Empire State's government. Instead, New Day, the network's morning show (which is co-anchored by the governor's brother, Chris Cuomo) has covered seemingly more important stories, such as the…

Mormon-Basher O'Donnell Blames 'Bible-Thumping' GOPers for Discussion
November 7th, 2012 8:01 AM
Shortly after 1:00 a.m. during MSNBC's election night coverage, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell ridiculously claimed that Democrats are more tolerant of Mormonism than Republicans and blamed the "Bible-thumping side of the Republican party," which he asserted is "where anti-Mormon feeling resides," for political analysts discussing Mitt Romney's Mormon religious beliefs, in spite of polls showing…

FNC Notes Democrats 'Least Tolerant' of Mormons While Nets Focus on GO
October 11th, 2011 5:32 AM
While morning and evening newscasts from all three broadcast networks in the last few days have focused on anti-Mormon sentiment within the Republican Party that may hinder Mitt Romney's bid for the presidency, FNC's Special Report with Bret Baier on Monday noted that self-identified Republican voters are substantially more willing to accept a Mormon President compared to Democrats.

Romney’s ‘Corporations Are People’ Called a ‘Gaffe’ as Nets
August 11th, 2011 10:30 PM
ABC’s Jake Tapper on Thursday night scolded Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for a “gaffe” over his assertion that “corporations are people” since “everything corporations earn ultimately goes to the people.”
That common sense observation came in reaction to a bunch of hecklers, from a left-wing activist group, who confronted Romney in Iowa, yet neither ABC or CBS acknowledged…
Sharron Angle’s Media Strategy a Lot Like Democratic Media Strategy
August 3rd, 2010 9:01 AM
Carl Cameron thinks Sharron Angle is naive. I think Sharron Angle thinks like a Democrat: Expect good media coverage, tell the media what you want to talk about, and by golly! expect friendly coverage! Elizabeth Crum, of the National Review Online, reports from Las Vegas the exchange between Carl Cameron and Nevada Senate hopeful Sharron Angle (she’d be replacing Harry Reid): Angle: “We needed…
Networks Paint ‘Trailblazer’ Kagan as Hilarious Wit Who ‘Can Tak
June 30th, 2010 2:03 AM
“For the first time, Americans got to see the woman President Obama called a ‘trailblazer’ in action,” ABC anchor Diane Sawyer trumpeted Tuesday night before Jonathan Karl framed his story on Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan’s hearing around how “a confirmation hearing isn't usually a laughing matter, but if we learned one thing about Elena Kagan today, it's that she has a sense of humor.” Like…
CBS: ‘Mean from the Start’ Health Debate ‘Turned Even Nastier Ye
March 21st, 2010 1:09 PM
The morning after CBS News White House reporter Mark Knoller, in a tweet, slurred anti-ObamaCare protesters with the vulgar “tea bagger” sexual terminology, Bob Schieffer began Sunday’s Face the Nation with how the health care reform debate “that's been rancorous and mean from the start turned even nastier yesterday” with protesters “shouting ‘kill the bill!’ and ‘made in the USSR”’ as they…