Carl Bernstein

Hysterical CNN: ‘Mad King’ Trump Will 'Scorch the Earth' of America
It’s time to call the banners and overthrow the Mad King. At least according to Carl Bernstein during his appearance on Friday morning’s New Day. It was not clear if Bernstein was trying to compare Donald Trump to the ‘Mad King Aerys’ from the popular television show Game of Thrones, but he made several strong comparisons nonetheless: “We are witnessing the Mad King in the…

Predictable: Tiresome CNN Calls on Media to Double Down on Trump Hate
With the 2020 election less than two weeks away, the leftist media have been doing everything in their power to ensure President Donald Trump does not win reelection. So, in the day after the final presidential debate, Carl Bernstein called on the media to double down.

CNN’s Bernstein Complains Trump 'Conned' NBC for Town Hall
Don Lemon’s outrage over NBC giving Trump a town hall the same night as Joe Biden’s ABC town hall tonight spilled over into CNN’s afternoon coverage, Thursday. CNN Newsroom host Brianna Keilar fretted over the news with political analyst and veteran journalist Carl Bernstein.

Top 12: Kicking Him When He’s Down, Media Mock Trump Getting COVID
The following is a Top 12 countdown of the gross gloating by liberal journalist of Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis.

Bernstein Accuses Trump of 'Homicidal Negligence'
On Saturday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host Ana Cabrera brought on ultra-hyperbolic political analyst Carl Bernstein to make insane accusations towards President Trump, accusing him of “homicidal negligence” for his coronavirus response. Naturally, Bernstein demonstrated that left-wing hacks such as himself completely lack empathy by accusing Trump of jeopardizing “national security”…

Top 10: ‘Terrifying’ Trump Sat Back and Watched Americans ‘Die’
The following is a top 10 countdown of just some of the most outrageous bias by lefty journalists over the last month.

Evil: Here Were CNN’s WORST Moments After Trump’s COVID Diagnosis
Throughout Friday’s early hours, CNNers repeatedly expressed best wishes to President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump after having tested positive for the coronavirus. But behind those best wishes, CNN not only levied their usual, poisonous rhetoric, but plenty of subliminal levels of apocalyptic brainstorming, gloating, and calls for a return to global lockdowns.

Bernstein Hypes A 'Smoking Gun of a Pervasively Criminal Presidency'
For years the media has been full of predictions that whatever that day's controversy is will be the one that dooms President Trump. For CNN's Carl Bernstein and CNN Newsroom host Brianna Keilar, the New York Times opposition-research report on Trump's taxes is the latest example with Bernstein using the report to further his conspiracy theory that Vladimir Putin and Tayyip…

MSNBC Tries to Pin 190,000 Deaths on Trump: 'More Damaging Than Nixon'
As fallout from Bob Woodward's book Rage continued on, the cast of Thursday's Andrea Mitchell Reports came together for some Monday morning quarterbacking on President Trump's handling of the pandemic, with Woodward's Washington Post colleague Phillip Rucker using the book to blame Trump for 190,000 COVID deaths.

Leftist Insanity: Bernstein Demands GOP Force Trump Out of Office
On Friday’s New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota and guest host Jim Sciutto brought on left-wing political analyst Carl Bernstein to make insane claims about President Trump, arguing he should be forced out of the White House. Performing his role as a Democratic activist, Bernstein declared Trump responsible for the worst “failure of leadership” by a President “in the history of…

CNN Host Cooks Up a Liberal Pot of 'Spanberger Helper'
On Tuesday morning’s New Day, CNN host John Berman brought on Democratic Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger to spew Democratic propaganda about President Trump as he tossed her softball questions. The anchor cited unverified claims about Trump’s classified phone calls with world leaders made by left-wing activist Carl Bernstein in order to help the Democratic lawmaker launch her attacks…

‘Legendary’ Bernstein Blows Up on ‘Delusional,’ ‘Unstable,’ ‘Reckless’

TOP 16: Journalists Coldly Claim Trump and GOP Want Thousands to Die