
CNN UNITY: Net Compares Trump to Slavers During Civil War

December 9th, 2020 2:10 PM

As is often the case for the DNC TV CNN, Wednesday’s New Day compared Donald Trump to history's monsters. This time, it was when CNN hack John Avlon openly compared Donald Trump to slaveholders during the Civil War with warped views of liberty. Avlon describes people who have supported the President or believe his claims as: “Without knowing it, you bought into what Abraham Lincoln…


DNC CNN Swoons Over 'Experience' of Biden's Cabinet Picks

December 8th, 2020 5:19 PM

Not even trying to resemble honest reporting, leftist-aligned CNN closed out Tuesday’s New Day by swooning over Joe Biden while going out of their way to trash the President. Since Biden started to name his cabinet, the network has been reluctant to do anything but praise the nominees. This has been especially true of one of the most recent picks, longtime Democratic Party hack Xavier Becerra…


CNN Hacks Lob Softballs to Biden Adviser About Radical Cabinet Pick

December 8th, 2020 10:43 AM

In what has become common practice at CNN, Monday morning’s New Day gave a softball interview to Biden adviser Cedric Richmond, who will be leaving Congress to serve in the upcoming Democratic administration. Rather than ask questions about his own qualifications, or plans for his upcoming role, co-host John Berman allowed Richmond to recite his pre-planned talking points with no…


Partisan CNN Abandons Principles to Heap Praise on Biden

December 4th, 2020 7:28 PM

There is no other way to describe CNN’s reaction to Joe Biden's softball Thursday interview with anchor Jake Tapper than partisan exaltation. Throughout the course of the 180-minute New Day broadcast on Friday, the leftist network spent nearly 110 of those minutes gushing over the friendly exchange between Tapper, Biden, and Kamala Harris. The partisan hacks had nothing but praise for…


Bored Now: CNN Eager for Biden, 'Sick' Over 'Reckless' Trump

December 4th, 2020 9:20 AM

Despite everything the media has done to smear President Trump, Thursday morning’s New Day showcased that it would not be enough until he has left office. In fact, for the past few weeks, the partisan CNN has blatantly longed for Joe Biden to take office already. That was the feel co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman gave during the broadcast, with attacks on the Trump Christmas…


CNN Relieved By 'Adults' on Biden's Hacky Comms Team

November 30th, 2020 4:13 PM

In the midst of their constant praise for President-Elect Joe Biden and his picks for cabinet positions and senior officials, leftist CNN once again ignored the credentials of the nominees. On Monday morning’s New Day, co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota praised the "historic" nature of an all-female White House communication’s team. This ignored their past partisan hackery and the fact…


CNN Relentlessly Mocks Melania, Fox Over... Christmas Decorations

November 30th, 2020 10:48 AM

CNN’s New Day took a break from their feverish panicking over coronavirus and President Trump not conceding the election to taunt Melania Trump, Monday morning.


CNN: It 'Seems Clear' That 'Trump Unchained' Will Pardon Himself

November 26th, 2020 9:13 PM

On CNN's New Day, co-host Alisyn Camerota, referencing President Trump's retweet of Rep. Matt Gaetz's tweet suggesting that the president pardon himself, says: "It seems clear this is going to happen." 

Jeff Zeleny CNN New Day 11-25-20

CNN: Those Aren't Biden Gaffes! They Demonstrate His 'Empathy'

November 25th, 2020 12:41 PM

CNN sought to pull off an incredible double of pro-Biden partisanship on this morning's New Day. First, by fostering sympathy for the poor guy who may have just been made the most powerful person in the world. Then, somehow transforming his worst traits into wonderful qualities, claiming his gaffes are actually evidence of "empathy."

CNN Gives 23 Mins to Nurse’s Dubious Claims Trashing COVID Patients

November 23rd, 2020 5:53 PM

In the latest blow to CNN’s claim to be a news organization, National Review and Wired found last week that their much-heralded November 16 interview with South Dakota nurse Jodi Doering trashing her patients had more than a few holes. While Doering’s story drew widespread attention by over a half dozen CNNers, neither outlet find anyone to confirm Doering’s claims of coronavirus…


Revolving Door: 'New Day' Refuses to Note Biden Pick Worked for CNN

November 23rd, 2020 4:26 PM

During Monday’s New Day, the partisan CNN took a break from their rhetoric assaults against President Trump to wax poetic about Tony Blinken being named as Joe Biden’s pick for Secretary of State. Throughout the three hour broadcast, co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman gushed over Blinken’s experience and what Biden’s foreign policy might be. Naturally, they missed one major plot…


Hysterical CNN: ‘Mad King’ Trump Will 'Scorch the Earth' of America

November 20th, 2020 5:00 PM

It’s time to call the banners and overthrow the Mad King. At least according to Carl Bernstein during his appearance on Friday morning’s New Day. It was not clear if Bernstein was trying to compare Donald Trump to the ‘Mad King Aerys’ from the popular television show Game of Thrones, but he made several strong comparisons nonetheless: “We are witnessing the Mad King in the…

Jessica Huseman CNN New Day 11-19-20

CNN to MSM: Refuse to Report on Trump Election Challenges!

November 19th, 2020 10:48 AM

On CNN's New Day, the idea is seriously propounded that the media should refuse to report on, or examine the merits of, Republican challenges to election results. CNN has concluded that the challenges are not "serious," and thus that reporting on them would only serve to do the Republicans' work for them.


CNN Mirrors Biden's Doom & Gloom: Trump Is Endangering the Country

November 19th, 2020 9:30 AM

Rather than reporting the news, CNN’s New Day decided to spend its Tuesday morning broadcast mirroring Joe Biden’s words on the transition and COVID. Once again, they warned of dangers both to the lives of American citizens and to the economy if Trump does not start the transition. As co-host Alisyn Camerota proclaimed to a pro-Biden guest: “We've had many segments already this…