Alex Wagner

MSNBC Contributor Joy-Ann Reid Dismisses Black, Hispanic Republicans A
November 8th, 2012 3:51 PM
As if she half-expected conformity, the Grio's managing editor Joy-Ann Reid expressed doubt on MSNBC's Now with Alex Wagner that conservatives will ever be enlightened enough to move enough towards the center to win an election.
Diversifying the messengers beyond white men and women simply isn't good enough to Reid, who condescendingly described Black and Hispanic Republicans as "window dressing…

Paging Staten Islanders: Atlantic's Franke-Ruta Insists that Obama Has
November 5th, 2012 1:03 PM
Updated: Franke-Ruta tweeted back | In a segment on the November 5 Now with Alex Wagner, Garance Franke-Ruta argued that it was "not preordained" that the devastation from Hurricane Sandy and Obama's subsequent photo-op responses would "work in his favor. The Atlantic magazine writer made those observations during a panel discussion on how, in Wagner's words, the hurricane "broke Mitt Romney's…

MSNBC's Wagner Spins Sandy's Death and Destruction As A 'Good Week' Fo
November 2nd, 2012 3:39 PM
There's nothing like a hurricane to put the wind in the sails! Barack Obama is having a great week. At least, that’s what MSNBC host Alex Wagner said last night on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell. In fact, Wagner, who is a former "cultural correspondent" for the progressive Center for American Progress, said that Obama is having a “really good week.” Never mind that, as The Washington…

Chris Hayes Compares Climate Change To The Struggle To End Slavery
October 19th, 2012 3:24 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes is no stranger to making extreme and outrageous statements on his weekend show Up with Chris Hayes, but he forgot to filter his leftism for mainstream American consumption on Friday when he appeared on the noontime Now with Alex Wagner program.
The Ivy League-educated Hayes ridiculously compared the environmentalists' fight against global warming to the struggle of 19th…

MSNBC's Wagner: Obama Running for President Because of 'Higher Calling
October 18th, 2012 5:15 PM
President Obama is running for reelection because he feels the "higher calling" of the office, even though it's obvious he doesn't really love the political game, MSNBC's Alex Wagner told Conan O'Brien on his October 17 TBS program. By contrast, Gov. Mitt Romney is running simply because "it seems like the next thing he should be doing with his life."
Wagner made these comments after O'Brien…

MSNBC's 'Now' Doesn't Bother to Mention Congressional Hearing on Bengh
October 10th, 2012 6:49 PM
The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform convened for a hearing on Wednesday at 12 p.m. EDT to delve into the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
Detailed accounts were heard, revelatory statements were made, but MSNBC's noon time program Now with Alex Wagner was too busy criticizing everything Mitt Romney has said over the last few years to even…

MSNBC’s Scarborough Defends Jim Lehrer’s Moderating After Slamming
October 8th, 2012 1:07 PM
It is one thing to trash Jim Lehrer’s moderating behind his back. It’s even worse when you then bring him on your show to praise his performance after you trash him. No one does this better than Morning Joe’s Scarborough who did a complete 180 on his analysis of Lehrer’s moderating skills.
On the morning after the first presidential debate, Scarborough claimed that “Jim Lehrer got rolled…
Not Your Grandfather’s Journalist: New York Magazine’s John Heilem
October 1st, 2012 2:59 PM
Following in the shoes of fellow NBC News employee Brian Williams, John Heilemann has entered the world of crude humor. Appearing on MSNBC’s Now with Alex Wagner on Monday, Heilemann was brought on to discuss the political dynamics of Wednesday’s first presidential debate.
The segment itself was fairly tame for MSNBC standards until Heilemann compared the current election to the 1996…

MSNBC's Wagner, Politico's Haberman Downplay Obama's 'Can't Change Was
September 21st, 2012 3:19 PM
Yesterday in the midst of defending his record in a tough interview with Univision, President Barack Obama said that he learned in his term in the Oval Office that "you can't change Washington from the inside" but only from the outside and that "that's how [he] got elected," by appealing to a frustrated electorate to vote for change. At a campaign event later in the day, Mitt Romney seized on…

MSNBC's Alex Wagner On DNC Speeches: If Anyone Can 'Be The Tentpole He
September 5th, 2012 5:53 PM
Bill Clinton just turned 66, so perhaps it might seem a bit dated to still find it amusing when feminist TV pundits stumble into sexual double entendres for the intern-exploiting president.
But that's what happened on Now With Alex Wagner on Wednesday. When Time columnist Joel Stein suggested the Democrats might not be able to offer better speeches than Tuesday's slate, Wagner replied if…

MSNBC Failed to Cover 'Incredibly Moving' Story About Romney; Today MS
August 31st, 2012 3:45 PM
Last night, at 8:38 p.m. Eastern, Ted and Pat Oparowski -- who attended church with Mitt Romney in the late 1970s -- shared their heartwarming story of how Mitt Romney took time out of his busy schedule to visit their cancer-stricken son David and to help him settle his affair and write his will when it was apparent the cancer would take his life. Both CNN and Fox News Channel carried the…

MSNBC's Wagner Devotes 10-Minute Segment to Pay Gap, Ignores Female De
August 20th, 2012 3:06 PM
As part of her hour-long August 20 special edition of Now about to "women's issues," MSNBC's Alex Wagner devoted a 10-minute-long segment to the so-called pay gap -- women earning on average 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. Wagner's guests, Salon's Joan Walsh, Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Lilly Ledbetter predictably did their parts to help Wagner sell the pay gap issue…

MSNBC's Wagner: Ryan's 100% Pro-life Record a Problem; Ignores Obama's
August 14th, 2012 5:40 PM
Rep. Paul Ryan's 100 percent rating by the pro-life National Right to Life Committee and his support of the "Protect Life Act" are evidence of the Wisconsin Republican's extremism on abortion and as such, should hurt the appeal of the Romney/Ryan ticket with women voters, MSNBC's Alex Wagner argued on the August 14 edition of her noon Eastern Now with Alex Wagner program.
Of course the 100…

MSNBC's NOW With Alex Wagner Uses Aurora Shootings as Excuse to Slam N
July 20th, 2012 4:15 PM
Airing hours after the midnight mass murder in Aurora, Colorado, MSNBC's Alex Wagner was bound to devote her program to the tragic breaking news. However, unlike other journalists, Wagner used the event as a platform for extensive commentary on the politics of the gun control debate and America's "culture of violence." Wagner, an alumna of the liberal Center for American Progress, has suggested…