MSNBC Features 'Berkeley Catholic' and NARAL Board Member Karen Finney

February 28th, 2013 5:53 PM
I don't know about you, but when I think about a person who has the moral standing to call out the Catholic Church for a lack of moral conviction, I think of abortion-on-demand advocate Karen Finney. Okay, not really, but apparently MSNBC does. On the February 28 edition of The Cycle, the former DNC communications director and current NARAL Pro-Choice America board member explained her…

MSNBC's Alex Wagner: Oscars Wouldn't Have Greeted Laura Bush As Warmly

February 25th, 2013 6:51 PM
You've surely heard by now that Michelle Obama presented the Academy Award for Best Picture last evening. On Monday, MSNBC host Alex Wagner, appearing on Hardball, said, "Could Laura Bush have done it? No. If she'd appeared at the Oscars, I don't think she would have been greeted with the same amount of warmth" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC's Wagner Omits Report Showing American Energy Independence by Oi

February 22nd, 2013 5:42 PM
Yesterday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s Now with Alex Wagner featured a discussion about the Keystone XL Pipeline, which is anathema to the environmental left, and which President Obama cynically delayed a decision on until after the 2012 election.  With the decision to approve or decline the project still looming for President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry -- who technically is the point…

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Calls Chris Matthews A ‘National Treasure

February 18th, 2013 3:31 PM
It appears as though the wheels have fallen off the wagon at MSNBC.  On her February 18, 2013 show Now w/ Alex Wagner, host Wagner teased that her fellow MSNBCer Chris Matthews was a “national treasure.” Apparently Ms. Wagner considers someone who compares the GOP to Nazi’s and calls Republicans racist on a daily basis a “national treasure.”  In honor of Wagner, we have compiled a short list…

MSNBC Continues Smear of 'Racist' NRA; Alex Wagner Hits Wayne LaPierre

February 14th, 2013 4:36 PM
MSNBC, for the second time on Thursday, smeared the National Rifle Association as racist, trashing the gun group's president as appealing to bigotry. Now host Alex Wagner read from an op-ed by Wayne LaPierre in which he argues that owning a gun is the only real protection from crime, looting and riots. Specifically, LaPierre mentioned the aftermath to Hurricane Sandy and looting in Brooklyn.…

MSNBC's Wagner, Guests Use Papal Abdication As Fresh Excuse to Bash Ca

February 11th, 2013 4:09 PM
Early this morning, Pope Benedict XVI announced that he’d abdicate the papal throne at the end of the month, which is the first time a pontiff will have stepped down in seven centuries.  Such breaking news was bound to set off rampant media speculation about next month's meeting of the College of Cardinals --which will decide Benedict's successor -- and talk in the media about the outgoing…

MSNBC's Wagner Fails to Detail Al-Awlaki's Al-Qaeda Ties

February 7th, 2013 5:11 PM
With this afternoon's Senate confirmation hearings for CIA director nominee John Brennan in view, the February 7 broadcast of Now with Alex Wagner devoted significant attention to the Obama administration's use of armed drones and the recently-leaked DOJ White Paper defending the legitimacy of drone strikes that explicitly targeted American civilians overseas.  For her part, host Alex Wagner…

MSNBC's Wagner Falsely Claims House Held 'All-Male Hearings' on Birth

February 4th, 2013 1:31 PM
Opening a segment today on the Obama administration's latest overture to assuage concerns of religious organizations about the ObamaCare contraception mandate, MSNBC host Alex Wagner came out swinging with a patently false assertion that survives as a liberal meme to this day.  "The great 2012 debate over women's health concerns begot all-male hearings on contraception and a national smear…

Ed Rendell on MSNBC: Boosting Gun Control is the 'Good Thing' About Sa

January 11th, 2013 1:13 PM
Former Democratic Governor Ed Rendell channeled Piers Morgan on Friday's Now with Alex Wagner program on MSNBC. Rendell even upped the ante, claiming that there was a positive side to the Newtown, Connecticut massacre – that it boosts liberal efforts for stricter gun control [audio available here; video below the jump]:

NBC Panel Discusses Biden Reality Show: 'The Most Entertaining Man in

January 10th, 2013 5:56 PM
During a panel discussion on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Willie Geist touted an online White House petition to get Vice President Joe Biden his own reality show. Panelist and left-wing MSNBC host Alex Wagner raved: "Incredible idea, can I be the cameraman?...he's the most entertaining man in politics." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Wagner continued to gush over…

Baltimore Sun's Zurawik Notes Media Malfeasance at the Outset of Newto

December 17th, 2012 1:07 PM
Suffice it to say the media coverage of the recent tragedy was an abject failure. Perhaps the most egregious example was how CNN initially reported that Ryan Lanza, brother of the real shooter Adam Lanza, was the culprit eliciting screenshots and information about his Facebook account that was disseminated on the Internet  – and on the airwaves.  David Zurawik of the Baltimore Sun wrote on…

MSNBC Finally Reports Obama's Drone Hypocrisy, Three Weeks After the E

November 26th, 2012 5:33 PM
Filling in for Alex Wagner on Monday afternoon, Ari Melber of the left-wing Nation magazine did some thing on MSNBC's Now that Wagner and many of their colleagues have been reluctant to do themselves -- expose the deception and dishonesty of Obama on the subject of drone attacks. While there was a brief mention or two in the weeks and months that preceded the election, the coverage was never…

Alex Wagner Worships at the Holy Burmese Shrine of Her Beloved Barack

November 20th, 2012 8:56 PM
Alex Wagner worships no other god before her Lord Barack. Think that statement is over the top? Not after you watch this worshipful video of MSNBC's Alex Wagner in which, among her other hallelujahs to her personal god who assumed earthly form in Burma, is this gem: “A man who is better at stagecraft than almost any leader in US history.” This is but one of several gushing praises of Obama…

Despite Handy Election Victory for Obama, MSNBC Continues Attack on Vo

November 13th, 2012 3:48 PM
With the election over and President Obama handily winning reelection -- including in photo ID states like Michigan and Florida -- you'd think MSNBC would go silent about voter ID laws, which clearly did not disenfranchise millions of seniors, students, or black voters nor did it turn the election in favor of Romney. But no, the network will still flog the issue for the forseeable future.…