Trump Impeachment 1 and 2

CNN Uses Trump Foe 'Anonymous' To Defend Milley's Alleged Behavior
Of all the people CNN could have chosen to comment on General Milley's calls to the ChiCom military leader in which he promised to give him advance warning of any attack ordered by President Trump, CNN chose one with perhaps the least credibility: Miles Taylor, aka Anonymous, who under that pen name wrote the infamous NYT op-ed, "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration." …

CNN En Español convierte la renuncia de Cuomo en un asunto de Trump
El presentador de CNN En Español en Directo USA, Juan Carlos López, repetidamente comparó la renuncia del gobernador Andrew Cuomo tras sendas acusaciones de acoso sexual, con los juicios políticos del presidente Donald Trump. Lo peor de todo fue que la comparación favoreció a Cuomo.

CNN En Español Makes Cuomo’s Resignation All About Trump
CNN En Español’s Directo USA anchor Juan Carlos Lopez repeatedly compared Governor Andrew Cuomo’s resignation as a result of extensive sexual harassment allegations to the impeachments of President Donald Trump. What’s worse, the comparison was a favorable one to Cuomo.

CNN Salivates Over Vindman Blaming COVID Deaths on Trump Acquittal
The Democrats’ star witness for President Trump’s first impeachment trial was back on television this morning to provide CNN more deranged commentary on the former president. New Day co-host Brianna Keilar let Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman go off on Trump, blaming him for 600,000 dead Americans, left-wing riots, and America’s “slide toward authoritarianism.”

Scarborough Pushing Liz Cheney for President: MSM Plan to Split GOP?
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, whom many on the right suspect of having abandoned his conservative roots and gone over to the liberal side, speaks well of Liz Cheney, saying: "people like me . . . look at somebody like Liz Cheney and say, okay: well, there’s somebody that believes in small government, there’s somebody that believes in traditional foreign policy. Yeah! Sounds okay…

Bible Scholar Berman: Kevin McCarthy Denied Liz Cheney Three Times
On CNN, New Day co-host John Berman, saying it was "almost biblical" how House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy might be "hanging [Liz Cheney] out to dry," says, that McCarthy's comments "were almost biblical. Like, three times he denied her."

Hunter, Kimmel Laugh Off Laptop as ‘Red Herring’ in Garbage Interview
Scandal-plagued First Family member Hunter Biden continued his book tour late Thursday with a softball-laden interview with ABC late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, who assisted him in not only dismissing the infamous laptop as “a red herring” because it came from Rudy Giuliani, but declare that he was eminently qualified to served on the board of Burisma.

A Suggestion for Donald Trump
Washington -- Saturday was a good day for the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. The First Amendment has been validated once again, this time by the United States Senate. Simply by speaking his mind, Citizen Donald Trump committed no crime on Jan. 6. That was when he addressed a large crowd telling them they should march "peacefully" and "patriotically." He told them they should "…

Just Lies: CNN's Brinkley Calls Biden a 'Centrist,' Moderate GOPer
On Sunday afternoon, CNN was again pushing President Joe Biden as a "centrist," but this time, according to CNN presidential historian Douglas Brinkley, Democrat Biden is a "centrist, maybe center-left Republican."
Constitutional Quibbles With Jimmy Kimmel and 'Mitch McTurtle'
Do you know your Constitution? Hollywood sure doesn’t but thankfully "Mitch McTurtle" does. Jimmy Kimmel roasted Sen. Mitch McConnell for his procedural objections to impeachment as if the Senate can ignore constitutional protocols to instead “vote their conscience.”
ROUNDUP: Hollywood Fills Buckets of Tears After Trump Acquitted
Hollywood elites are paid dramatizers. It’s no wonder they spewed hatred when Trump was acquitted.

McCain Fires Back Against ‘View' Demonizing GOP as Radical Extremists
Meghan McCain wasn’t taking anymore abuse from her View co-hosts on Tuesday’s show and fired back, after liberal host Sunny Hostin accused the Republican party of being violent, radical conspiracy theorists.

Sean Penn: ‘Vatican’ Should ‘Impeach’ ‘Evangelicals’ for Trump Support
No one trusts Hollywood political opinions anymore. They're vapid, self-aggrandizing and seem singularly devoted to insulting good and honest Americans. We know. But still, in order to convince the few stragglers to stop opening up their Twitter and pondering the latest hot take from their favorite actor, we have a doozy of a Sean Penn tweet that should break that spell.

Trump Lawyer UNLOADS on CBS Anchor After Democrats Lose Again
Trump defense lawyer Michael Van Der Veen appeared on CBSN after the impeachment trial ended on Saturday, and launched into anchor Lana Zak over her implication that his charges of House Democrats doctoring evidence were trivial. It belongs on an all-time list of media smackdowns.