Medical Insurance

CBS Covers Latest V.A. Scandal Report, ABC. NBC Ignore
September 17th, 2014 10:40 AM
On Wednesday, September 17, the House is scheduled to hold a hearing on the latest surrounding the scandal plagued Veterans Administration, specifically questions about the inspector general’s recent report on patient deaths at VA facilities. Despite the new revelations from a VA whistleblower that the VA changed its final report to downplay any connection between patient deaths and long wait…
Networks Ignore Gov't Report That ObamaCare Plans Cover Abortions
September 16th, 2014 10:46 PM
On Tuesday, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a new report documenting how abortions are being funded by taxpayers under ObamaCare despite a provision in the law stating that abortions will not be covered under ObamaCare insurance plans. When the Tuesday evening newscasts for the major broadcast networks had passed, however, none of them devoted even a second to the story.…

HHS Still Trying to Force Contraception Mandate on Little Sisters
September 9th, 2014 11:25 PM
On August 22 — a Friday, of course — the Obama administration's Department of Health and Human Services issued a brand-new version of the Obamacare contraception mandate supposedly "accommodating" organizations with religious belief-based objections to providing such coverage.
The new version is a facile variant of the subterfuge the Obama administration failed to slide by the Court in the…

CNBC's Mangan Spins Bad-News Obamacare Poll Into 'Obama-Who-Cares'
September 9th, 2014 4:13 PM
CNBC's Dan Mangan, last seen at NewsBusters claiming that the American people want politicians to just "shut up about Obamacare," is out with a column today reacting to the Kaiser Family Foundation's latest Affordable Care Act-related polling effort.
Sarah Ferris at the Hill also reviewed the poll, and has two primary messages for readers. First, "support for ObamaCare continues to fall." Second…
Salon Columnist Twists Ray Rice Beating Scandal to Blast Hobby Lobby
September 8th, 2014 6:56 PM
Left-wing columnist CJ Werleman couldn't resist using athlete Ray Rice's suspension from the NFL on Monday as a means to attack social conservatives. Werleman took to Twitter and snarked, "If Ray Rice continues to treat women like that, he'll end up running the Hobby Lobby."
WSJ: Healthcare.Gov Hacked in July; Networks Fail to Cover
September 4th, 2014 10:07 PM
Late Thursday afternoon, The Wall Street Journal reported that a hacker broke into a portion of the government-run website back “in July and uploaded malicious software” to the site that people in 36 states use to enroll in health care coverage. When it came to the major broadcast networks covering this story on their evening newscasts on Thursday night, they chose to avoid the…

Restricting 'Choice': California Dictates That its Employers Cannot Re
August 31st, 2014 10:21 AM
This "choice" thing with abortion is really the narrowest of one-way streets.
Seven robed men decided in 1973 that a woman has a "privacy" right to "choose" to take the life of a pre-born baby she is carrying, the God-given right to life of the baby be damned. But the radicals in Jerry Brown's government in the State of California have now mandated that all employers in that state, even those…

NYT: Here Come Those Government-Reimbursed 'End-of-Life Talks
August 30th, 2014 10:20 PM
In a Saturday evening story to appear on Page A1 in its Sunday print edition, Pam Belluck at the New York Times tells readers that "paying doctors to talk to patients about end-of-life care is making a comeback, and such sessions may be covered for the 50 million Americans on Medicare as early as next year." This apparently blessed development is occurring "After Sarah Palin’s 'death panel'…

AP Relays Left's Charges That Health Insurance Cos. Still Discriminate
August 28th, 2014 1:28 PM
The Golden Age of Obamacare has apparently not led to the Golden Age of access to medical care anywhere, any time its promoters promised. Thanks to non-payments, the true enrollment numbers aren't what we've been told. The networks patients can access — approved by government regulators — are often highly restricted. Sky-high-deductibles are present in most Obamacare plans before any kind of…

Not National News: Mass. Obamacare Exchange Requires Everyone to Re-en
August 18th, 2014 5:59 PM
Recent news about Obamacare hasn't exactly been good, but the press has been pretty effective in keeping it quiet. To name just a few items, Enrollment is shrinking, because perhaps as many as 20 percent of enrollees aren't keeping up with their premiums. Rising costs have moved insurers to beg for bailouts, which appear to be forthcoming.
Then there's this: Just last week in Massachusetts,…
Obama Admin. Admits Up to 310,000 Enrolled in ObamaCare Without Proof
August 13th, 2014 11:03 PM
The Big Three networks' evening newscasts on Wednesday failed to notice the Obama administration's latest revelation about ObamaCare: that more than 300,000 people who signed up for health plans under the controversial law could lose them because they failed to prove they were legal residents of the U.S. Instead, ABC's World News aired a full report on a "beauty queen's" insurance scam, while…

Retail Sales Flatlined in July; AP Deadpans That Americans With No Mon
August 13th, 2014 1:46 PM
This morning, the Census Bureau, in its advance report on retail sales, revealed that seasonally adjusted July sales were "virtually unchanged" from June. Expectations were for a 0.2 percent gain, supposedly with "solid upside" potential. Oops. June's result stayed at its previously reported 0.2 percent increase.
Reuters did the "U-word" honors this time out: "U.S. retail sales unexpectedly…

Sharyl Attkisson Files FOIA Lawsuit Seeking ObamaCare Website Document
August 12th, 2014 5:01 PM
Former CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, with the assistance of the conservative organization Judicial Watch, filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Servies on Friday, seeking records related to the ObamaCare website, Attkisson announced the lawsuit on Twitter on Tuesday afternoon: "I'm suing the federal govt for http://healthcare…

On Fox News Sunday, Williams Says Opposition to Obama Is 'Old, White
August 4th, 2014 6:46 PM
It would almost not be worth noting, because it's so predictable. On Fox News Sunday, Juan Williams, with strategic support at opportune times from National Journal's Ron Fournier, characterized the support within the Republican Party for impeachment as coming from "Tea Party opposition ... (with) no diversity, it's a white, older group of people."
What makes it worthy of notice is the fact…