Medical Insurance

HuffPo Posts Story on Barney Frank's July Interview Ripping Obama's 'Y
August 2nd, 2014 10:30 AM
Former Congressman Barney Frank had "a July interview" with the Huffington Post. The liberal blog's Zach Carter put up a post about it on Friday, August 1 at 3:59 p.m.
How convenient, because Frank ripped President Obama and his administration, who he says "just lied to people" about whether they could keep their existing healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.…

AP Acknowledges That There Are 'Fewer Full-Time Jobs,' But Doesn't Cit
July 31st, 2014 5:17 PM
In a Thursday report on why many Americans are still unimpressed with the U.S. job market, Associated Press reporters Christopher Rugaber and Josh Boak made a rare admission that "Finding a steady full-time job has become harder" than it was before the recession.
The AP pair then contended that "the trend might also reflect a lasting shift among restaurants and coffee shops," but found an "…

Only CBS Evening News Covers Senate Confirming New V.A. Chief
July 29th, 2014 9:57 PM
On July 29, the Senate confirmed Robert McDonald by a vote of 97-0 to be the next Secretary of Veterans Affairs but that evening only the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley covered the story whereas ABC and NBC were nowhere to be found.
Fill-in host James Brown introduced the report on the V.A. by explaining how “the first job for the former CEO of Procter & Gamble will be cleaning up…

WaPo's Greg Sargent Thinks Obamacare's Senate History Absolves Sloppy
July 29th, 2014 7:52 PM
At the Washington Post's Plum Line blog this afternoon, Greg Sargent argued that the legislative history of Obamacare supports the argument that Congress intended that participants in federal exchanges be entitled to premium subsidies (alternatively referred to in some quarters as "tax credits"), and that the history should doom the Halbig suit, which contends that tax subsidies cannot be…

WashPost’s Dana Milbank Blames North Carolina GOP For Woman’s Deat
July 29th, 2014 5:25 PM
On July 1, a local hospital in Belhaven, North Carolina closed its doors in part because the state legislature opposed the expansion of Medicaid. Since its closure, the liberal media rallied behind the town’s mayor Adam O’Neal, who has repeatedly complained about his fellow Republicans refusing to expand Medicaid.
While O’Neal has become the newest media darling for the left, including…
Rasmussen Column: Opposition to Hobby Lobby Decision Highlights Proble
July 28th, 2014 5:12 PM
Following the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision, one of the key talking points that emerged from enraged opponents of the ruling was: "My boss shouldn't be involved in my health care decisions." California State Senate candidate Sandra Fluke says on her official website that such a perspective is "common sense."
An Ohio Democrat is introducing a "Not My Boss's Business Act" in the state…

NBC Touts Vermonters Pining for Single-Payer Health Care Like Canadian
July 28th, 2014 4:40 PM
In a report for Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, correspondent Kevin Tibbles highlighted Vermont's effort "to push into unchartered waters and go further than ObamaCare." He explained the left-wing proposal: "Vermont's Democratic state government says it can deliver health care more efficiently and for less to every one of its 600,000 residents equally. All paid for with tax dollars to the tune of…

Maher: ObamaCare ‘So Much More of a Significant Achievement than Lan
July 26th, 2014 2:58 PM
Citing the 45th anniversary last week of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon, Bill Maher on Friday night sneered: “I always hear that the moon landing was the last great thing that America did. I think the last great thing America did was giving health care to 30 million people.”
That prompted a roar of applause from the Los Angeles audience for Maher’s July 25 Real Time show on HBO, and after…

Wasserman Schultz Says Nevada Governor Didn't Implement an Obamacare E
July 26th, 2014 11:58 AM
It seems that Democratic National Committee chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz has herself programmed to automatically criticize any Republican governor in the U.S. for refusing to implement a state Obamacare exchange.
Wasserman Schultz made that contention on Tuesday about Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval. She did so on Nevada's "Ralston Reports," a TV program hosted by Jon Ralston, whose…

Networks Ignore GAO's Study on ObamaCare Accepting Fake Applications
July 23rd, 2014 10:02 PM
The Big Three networks' morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the Government Accountability Office's investigation of ObamaCare's sign-up process that uncovered that fraudulent documents were able to procure federal health plans and subsidies. On Wednesday, Amy Goldstein of the Washington Post reported that "undercover GAO investigators tried to obtain health plans for a dozen…
MSNBC's Matthews Invokes Bush v. Gore During Freak-out Over Federal Co
July 22nd, 2014 10:15 PM
In the midst of a panel discussion this evening freaking out over the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals striking a blow to the ObamaCare, MSNBC's Chris Matthews invoked a favored 14-year-old bogeyman of the Left, the Supreme Court ruling in Bush v. Gore. "Don't tell me you're shocked by the fact there's a partisan ruling," the Hardball host screeched to fellow MSNBCer Joy Reid. "We had President…
CBS, NBC Ignore Conflicting Court Rulings On Future Of ObamaCare Subsi
July 22nd, 2014 7:56 PM
On Tuesday, July 22, two federal appeals courts ruled in different directions over the constitutionality of tax subsidies given to individuals who purchase health insurance through the federal ObamaCare exchange. At issue, was language in the law where subsidies would be given to individuals who purchased health insurance in an exchange “established by the state.”
In a 2-1 ruling, the D.C.…

Megyn Kelly Eviscerates Jon Stewart, Leftist Ideologues on Abortifacie
July 17th, 2014 2:32 PM
Fox News's Megyn Kelly has clearly had it up to here with the disinformation, misinformation, distortions and outright lies coming from the left in the wake of the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision. A recent dishonest rant by Comedy Central's Jon Stewart (noted at NewsBusters by Jeffrey Meyer early Tuesday morning) and attempts by certain doctors to deny scientific truth caused Kelly to…

NPR Hypes: Companies See 'Benefit' in Providing Employees Contraceptio
July 15th, 2014 6:28 PM
Michelle Andrews spotlighted the silver lining for social liberals in a Tuesday item for about the aftermath of the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling. Andrews underlined that "women in most health plans will still be able to get their birth control covered with no out-of-pocket expenses," even after the five to four decision.
The writer turned to a policy expert at the pro-abortion…