Medical Insurance

Fournier: Obama Destroyed Government's Credibility
November 18th, 2014 12:27 PM
Two cheers — and two cheers only — for the National Journal's Ron Fournier.
On Fox News's Special Report with Bret Baier last night, the former Associated Press Washington Bureau chief observed that the Jonathan Gruber videos about how the Affordable Care Act was dishonestly written and promoted, as well as President Barack Obama's reaction to those revelations, demonstrate that he (Obama) "has…

MSNBC’s O’Donnell Defends Gruber: ‘What He Did Was Tell The Truth’
November 18th, 2014 12:24 PM
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, host of the Last Word, stopped by Morning Joe on Tuesday, November 18 and did his best to defend ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber from criticism following video of him saying that the “stupidity of the American voter” was key to getting ObamaCare passed. Speaking to the Morning Joe panel, O’Donnell argued that “what Gruber did, specific language aside, the offensive…

ABC, NBC Ignore Gruber’s Numerous W.H. Visits, CBS Barely Covers
November 18th, 2014 10:32 AM
On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Jonathan Gruber, one of the architects of ObamaCare, made more than a dozen visits to visit the White House since “Democrats began drafting the law in 2009.” Despite the latest developments in the Gruber controversy, which contradicts President Obama’s line that Gruber was “some advisor who never worked on our staff,” CBS This Morning was the only…
Chris Hayes Compares ObamaCare Passage to Probe Landing on a Comet
November 18th, 2014 12:16 AM
During his MSNBC show All In on Monday night, Chris Hayes unleashed a nine-minute monologue in light of the Jonathan Gruber videos to defend what he saw as an assault on ObamaCare by Republicans and went as far as comparing ObamaCare’s passage to that of the Rosetta space probe that landed on a comet on November 12.
Hayes hailed what transpired in 2009 and 2010 as “a remarkable and improbable…
ABC’s World News Tonight, NBC Nightly News Remain Silent on Gruber
November 17th, 2014 10:06 PM
On Monday, ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir and NBC Nightly News continued to ignore the news surrounding videos unearthed of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber praising “lack of transparency” as a “political advantage” and insulting voters as stupid regarding the law’s passage and contents. With tonight’s omissions, the blackout of coverage on Gruber from these two programs now stands…

NYT Lie: No One Has to Spend More Than 8% of Income for ACA Coverage
November 17th, 2014 12:14 AM
On Saturday (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted the hypocritical fury of Linda Greenhouse at the New York Times that the Supreme Court has taken on the King v. Burwell case over the legality of Obamacare subsidies in states which don't have their own Obamacare exchanges.
I need to address another item of Greenhouse gas contained therein, namely her claim that the Affordable Care Act requires…

Chuck Todd Hits Gov. Jindal From Left On Medicaid Expansion
November 16th, 2014 1:13 PM
On Sunday, Governor Bobby Jindal (R-La.) sat down with Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd on Sunday, November 16 and was repeatedly hit from the left over his refusal to expand Medicaid as part of ObamaCare. Todd began the interview by asking Jindal “but obviously, expanding Medicaid coverage, you'd have more people off of the uninsured roles in Louisiana if you did it. Why aren't you doing it…

ABC, NBC Finally Acknowledge Existence of Gruber Videos
November 16th, 2014 12:10 PM
It took nine days, but ABC and NBC finally covered the controversial videos of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber making disparaging remarks about the American voters. Since the first video surfaced, CBS had been the only “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) network to cover the Gruber video, but on Sunday, November 16 ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos and NBC’s Meet the Press briefly…
ABC, NBC, LAT Censorship of Gruber Videos Continues Into Eighth Day
November 15th, 2014 6:06 PM
As of Saturday afternoon and a full eight days after the first video of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber surfaced, major broadcast networks ABC and NBC and the Los Angeles Times have persisted in keeping their audiences in the dark on this story.
Over the course of Friday evening and Saturday morning, news outlets that previously had ignored Gruber arrived on the scene included the …

NYT's Greenhouse Is Furious That Obamacare Case Got to the Supremes
November 15th, 2014 9:14 AM
Linda Greenhouse covered the Supreme Court for the New York Times for 30 years until accepting a downsizing buyout in 2008. She continues to write bi-weekly columns there.
Greenhouse is absolutely appalled that the King v. Burwell lawsuit has gotten to the Supreme Court. As will be seen, she's also quite selective in her outrage.
FBN Host: ‘I Was Silenced’ When at CNBC for Criticizing ObamaCare
November 14th, 2014 5:34 PM
During her Fox Business Network (FBN) show on Friday afternoon, Melissa Francis told viewers that she “was silenced” by executives at CNBC when worked there after she criticized ObamaCare on-air and told viewers that the “math of ObamaCare simply didn’t work.”
Speaking in regards to what ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber said about relying on the “stupidity” of voter and the need for lying to…
FNC Highlights MRC Study on Liberal Media’s Censorship of Gruber Video
November 13th, 2014 10:58 PM
On Thursday night, the Fox News Channel’s (FNC) Special Report with Bret Baier spotlighted the latest study from the Media Research Center (MRC) and Newsbusters, which exposed the almost no coverage of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber telling an audience in a 2013 video that “lack of transparency” and “the stupidity of the American voter” were critical in the law’s passage.
During the show’…
ABC, NBC Blackout Gruber Video; CBS Omits Clip of Pelosi Praising Him
November 13th, 2014 9:49 PM
As ABC and NBC continued to censor any mention of the disparaging comments made by ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber from their Thursday night newscasts, CBS aired second story on Gruber with this one (and the other coming from Thursday’s CBS This Morning) airing on the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley.
While the report by CBS News national correspondent Wyatt Andrews covered what Gruber…
NYT Writer Defends Gruber: Voters Are 'Incoherent' on Health Care
November 12th, 2014 6:24 PM
During a discussion on MSNBC’s The Cycle about the disparaging comments ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber made about the law’s passage and the “stupidity” of voters, New York Times writer and substitute Cycle co-host Josh Barro sought to defend him by blasting the expectations that Americans have about health care as “completely incoherent” and lying was the only solution to make them happy. …