Medical Insurance

Vermont Abandons Single-Payer Health Care; Press Coverage Muted
December 26th, 2014 7:23 AM
President Barack Obama, soon to be former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, former Congressman Barney Frank, and many other prominent Democrats and leftists have over the past several years declared that their ultimate goal is turn the U.S. healthcare system into a "single-payer," i.e., completely government-controlled, enterprise.
That likely explains why the reaction to Vermont's abandonment…

Barely News: Rep. Lummis's 'Most Moving Moment' at Gruber Hearing
December 13th, 2014 11:00 AM defines "glib" as "readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so."
Jonathan Gruber's apology at his Tuesday congressional hearing included that word. The word, especially the "superficial" element of its definition, applies to how the establishment press covered the hearing. With only rare exceptions, it excluded any mention of what has accurately been…

Gruber a 'Household Name' in LAT Editorial, Despite No News Stories
December 11th, 2014 11:20 PM
Tuesday afternoon, Kyle Drennen at NewsBusters observed that the Big Three networks "Appear Finished With Gruber Coverage," and that their Tuesday morning shows had no coverage of the de facto Obamacare architect and his congressional appearance.
One factor likely influencing the nets' posture is how original news sources like the Associated Press and the nation's largest dailies have managed to…
Nets Appear Finished With Gruber Coverage, Morning Shows Silent
December 10th, 2014 4:18 PM
Despite ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber being grilled by both Republicans and Democrats in a Tuesday congressional hearing over his infamous remarks that the health care law was passed due to "the stupidity of the American voter," none of the Big Three network morning shows on Wednesday made any mention of the latest development in the controversy.
NBC Nightly News Ends Silence on Gruber 32 Days After 1st Video Aired
December 9th, 2014 10:19 PM
After a month in which NBC Nightly News gave more prominence to ugly Christmas sweaters, grape salad, Al Roker's 34-hour weather report, and a live broadcast of Peter Pan starring Brian Williams' daughter, Allison, the broadcast finally discovered Jonathan Gruber.
On Tuesday evening, NBC’s evening newscast acknowledged the name Jonathan Gruber for the first time and his insulting comments…
Nets Skip Sebelius Stating ‘Financial Literacy' of Americans Is 'Low'
December 5th, 2014 12:21 AM
In an interview with USA Today published on its website Tuesday, former Obama administration Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius tried to distance herself from the numerous comments by ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber, but still found a way to sound like Gruber when explaining why Americans oppose the health care law.
Speaking with USA Today’s Susan Page, Sebelius …

NYPost's McCaughey Breaks News About ObamaCare Regs Press Ignored
December 3rd, 2014 1:36 PM
New York Post columnist, legitimate constitutional scholar and health policy expert Betsy McCaughey broke news about the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare, in her Tuesday evening column. The Post should send the Associated Press, the New York Times and other establishment press outlets which have yet to report what she found the bill for her work.
In the midst of the Obama administration's pre-…
Networks Dodge Senate Dem Saying the Timing of ObamaCare Was a Mistake
November 26th, 2014 10:00 PM
In speech at the National Press Club on Tuesday, New York’s senior Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer expressed regret over how Democrats handled their large majorities following the 2008 election in passing ObamaCare when they should have focused first on economic issues to address the recession.
Since then, the remarks have received no coverage from any of the “big three” in ABC, CBS, and NBC on…

Schumer: Election Results Show That Dems Need to Go Further Left
November 25th, 2014 11:33 PM
An Associated Press story late this afternoon has New York Senator Chuck Schumer saying the darnedest things, with only a tiny bit of pushback from reporter Charles Babington.
In the wake of a midterm election rout which saw Republicans win at least eight Senate seats, increase their House majority, and take gubernatorial races in at least three deep blue states (MD, MA, and IL), Schumer now…
Bad News Continues to Roll In for ObamaCare
November 24th, 2014 9:14 PM
Whatever we do, let's not allow ourselves to be distracted from the continuing nightmare of Obamacare by the other nightmare of President Obama's latest abuse of power in furtherance of a terrible policy decision — this time on immigration.
I would be remiss if I didn't provide my periodic update on the Affordable Care Act, lest you grow complacent to its unspeakable egregiousness. So let's…

Barro on Health Insurance: People Can't Be Trusted, We Need Gruber
November 19th, 2014 5:41 PM
Some liberals like to pass Josh Barro off as a conservative, but not long ago the New York Times correspondent debunked that notion himself, tweeting that he was most easily understood as a "moderate." But after his appearance on MSNBC today, another term might more aptly apply: elitist liberal.
Speaking with Alex Wagner, Barro crammed a carload of condescension into thirty seconds. Barro…
'Daily Show' Notices Gruber Scandal Before 'NBC Nightly News'
November 19th, 2014 2:37 PM
While NBC Nightly News has failed to mention Jonathan Gruber's scandalous comments about ObamaCare for eleven days, Comedy Central's fake newsman Jon Stewart devoted eight minutes to the controversy on The Daily Show Tuesday night.
NBC NN Ignores Gruber for 11th Day as ABC's WNT Breaks Silence
November 18th, 2014 8:15 PM
On Tuesday night, NBC Nightly News continued its streak of ignoring comments made by ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber into an 11th day while ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir finally brought up Gruber’s comments on the “stupidity of the American voter” and the "advantage" of having a “lack of transparency” in getting ObamaCare passed.
Anchor David Muir discussed the story for one…

NYT Now Calls Gruber's Obamacare Role 'Limited'; Past Reports Disagree
November 18th, 2014 3:05 PM
The New York Times wants America to ignore Jonathan Gruber. Pay no attention to that architect behind the curtain!
Scott Whitlock at NewsBusters noted earlier today that a Times editorial on Jonathan "stupid voters" Gruber claims that the MIT economist was not an important player in the law's creation. The Times now insists that "In truth, his role was limited." The trouble is, Times reporters…