
Gwyneth Paltrow on Hamas: ‘Where Are the Feminists?’
Feminists spent four-plus years speaking out during the Trump administration.

Silly PBS: Harris Makes Dems ‘Feel Seen,’ ‘Trump Derangement’ Not Real
PBS opened its fourth and final night of coverage from the Democratic National Convention in Chicago with reporting from the PBS News Hour, with congressional reporter Lisa Desjardins, reporting from D.C. a segment on the Republican’s “counterprogramming” of the convention. She proceeded to defensively explain Trump rhetoric to her viewers as if they were toddlers. Once the actual…

PBS Goes Full Feminist: US on the ‘Cusp' of a Female President (Again)
On Night 2 of the Democratic Convention, anchor Amna Nawaz was talking to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the PBS booth when they were joined by veteran PBS journalist Judy Woodruff. Nawaz took advantage by tossing aside her journalist hat and hosting a heartfelt feminist kaffeeklatsch hailing VP Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, as a feminist hero on “the…

PBS Claim of GOP ‘Demonizing’ Dem Women Popped by Brooks in Two Words
Although he appears as the ostensible voice from the right on the PBS News Hour’s Friday evening political discussion, New York Times columnist David Brooks is no one’s idea of a hard-core conservative. He said “I love Joe Biden” before criticizing Biden’s angry speech on Night One of the Democratic National Convention, after previously stating “I do think Donald Trump is…

JD Vance and Childless Cat Ladies: Cue the Outrage
When I ran for governor, a reporter accused me of believing “men are smarter than women.” Research shows, I wrote in a 20-year-old column, women know and care more about social security, health care and education. When asked, however, about 25 political questions, men were more likely to answer correctly in 15, men and women answered the same in nine, and women answered more correctly than men…

Liberal Media Have a Field Day LYING About Vance’s Parenthood Comments
In perfectly coordinated fashion this week, the liberal media have gone postal on GOP vice presidential nominee and Senator JD Vance for 2021 comments about the left being dominated by unhappy progressives who don’t have children. Everyone in the liberal media have piled on, ranging from ABC, CBS, and NBC on their flagship morning and evening newscasts to major newspapers to the insufferable…

ABC Hails Kamala ‘Blazing New Trails’, ‘Biblical’ Turn in Campaign
Always a loyal foot soldier for the left, ABC’s Good Morning America was ebullient Monday in fluffing Vice President Kamala Harris being handed an “extraordinary moment” as the likely Democratic presidential nominee with “a flood of cash” and “history” on her side now that President Biden has dropped out against “felon” Donald Trump.

Help Me, Bob Iger. You’re My Only Hope.
On Oct. 30, 2012, Disney acquired Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion and, with it, “Star Wars.” Since then, Disney’s stewardship of a property George Lucas himself often failed to steward wisely has descended into farce. There is an old joke that the proof time travel is not real is because George Lucas did not die after the release of “Return of the Jedi” in 1983. Lucas went on to continually re-…

‘Feminist Hags’ Blast Butker’s Pro-Woman Speech
Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker gave a speech at Benedictine College emphasizing Christian values and the role of family in a woman's life. The speech provoked a backlash from feminists and social justice advocates, with one news outlet suggesting that Butker should be replaced with a female kicker.

ICYMI: CBS Joins in, NBC Ups Hate for Butker Over ‘Firebrand’ Speech
On Friday, CBS finally joined the virulently anti-family liberal media’s rhetorical lynch mob fighting to convict Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker in the court of public opinion with a discussion during CBS Mornings and, while ABC moved on, NBC’s Today upped the intensity of its disgusting and hypocritical venom toward a speech about the importance of the family.

ABC Journo, KJP Team Up to Slam Butker for Pro-Life, Pro-Family Speech
ABC reporter Karen Travers used her round of Q&A during Thursday’s White House press briefing to invite a willing accomplice in Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to join the liberal media mob against Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker for his alleged crime of giving a pro-family, pro-life, pro-parenting commencement address at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas.

Column: Boos and Hisses for the Kansas City Kicker
On May 14, Kansas City Chiefs placekicker Harrison Butker gave the commencement address at Benedictine College, a Catholic school in Kansas. Within 48 hours, the media elites were ablaze with outrage. There’s a “growing uproar,” warned NBC’s Hoda Kotb.

EYE ROLL: Here’s the Worst Moments From Drew Barrymore’s Kamala Chat
Vice President Kamala Harris’s taped interview with actress-turned-daytime-talk-show host Drew Barrymore aired Monday and while it was a brisk watch, it nonetheless remained a gag-tastic abomination as Barrymore sat Indian-style on her curvy couch and held hands with Harris as she gushed over the awkward far-left politician as America’s “Mamala” and someone the country “respects so much” who…

CNN Women Praise Burgum PR Man For Being 'Evolved' on Women's Sports
On CNN This Morning, Dana Bash and Kasie Hunt praise GOP strategist Lance Trover for being "evolved" after he says that after reading a profile of LSU women's basketball coach Kim Mulkey which talks about her pugnacious approach, he wondered if a male coach would have been given the same treatment.