Covington kids

Nick Sandmann Settles Defamation Suit With NBC for 'Confidential' Sum
Another slanted liberal “news” outlet has felt the sting of justice. In a Friday evening tweet from the defamed man himself, former Covington High School student Nicholas Sandmann announced that he had settled his defamation suit with NBC News for an undisclosed amount of money.

Slandered Sandmann Advises Rittenhouse On Suing Liberal Media
Talk about sage advice. In the U.K.-based Daily Mail on Tuesday, Nicholas Sandmann, the then-Covington Catholic High School student maligned and slandered by the liberal media for simply wearing a MAGA hat at the Lincoln Memorial in 2019 and attending the March for Life, spoke out about the liberal media’s treatment of Kenosha self-defender Kyle Rittenhouse and gave him some tips on…

Reporters Fear Film Exposing Scandalous Treatment of Covington Kids
The media’s coverage of Covington Catholic students’ 2019 trip to D.C. may be the worst journalism scandal in recent memory.

Republican Convention Speakers BASH Big Tech Censorship
Republican National Convention (RNC) speakers have not been afraid to call out Big Tech for its role in censoring conservatives. Speakers like Charlie Kirk, Nick Sandmann and Tiffany and Melania Trump have stressed the importance of maintaining American freedoms, and have called out Big Tech companies to do so over the first three nights of the RNC.

'Hostage Situation'? Celebs Melt Down Over Speakers at RNC Night 2
Depending on your perspective, the second night of the Republican National Convention was either a patriotic display of all the freedoms and blessings America can offer hardworking people, or an evil showcase, where the worst of our racist, white, Christian heritage was on display in all its jingoistic glory.

CNN Analyst Gets Burned for Bitter Tweet Against Nick Sandmann
Looks like the sore losers at CNN are looking for reasons to get sued again. After former Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann roasted the media last night at the Republican Convention, CNN analyst Joe Lockhart couldn’t help himself and had to send out a bitter tweet attacking Sandmann.

Sandmann TEARS APART the Liberal Media ‘War Machine’ in RNC Speech
On Tuesday night at the virtual 2020 Republican National Convention, former Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann wiped the floor with the liberal media, stating before the world that the vicious, unrepentant “war machine” in “attack mode” didn’t care about finding “the truth” of what happened with Sandmann and his classmates January 18, 2019 on the National Mall.

Sleazy ABC Trashes ‘Disgraced’ RNC Speaker Nick Sandmann
Minutes before the kickoff of the Republican National Convention, ABC revealed they were taking notes from CNN and MSNBC on how to continue smearing Covington Catholic’s Nick Sandmann and the St. Louis McCloskeys, who are slated to speak this week. On ABC Live, White House correspondent Rachel Scott and political contributor Yvette Simpson sneered these speakers, who were victimized by the…

CNN's Louis: Sandmann Speech Will 'Stoke Fires of Grievance'
On New Day Sunday, CNN political commentator Errol Louis was dismissive of the inclusion of Nick Sandmann at the Republican National Convention, suggested that the media smearing of the Kentucky teen wasn't so bad, and portrayed his speech as part of an effort by Republicans to "stoke the fires of grievance."

Caught: CNN’s Stelter In Hot Water for Smug Tweet on Sandmann Suit
After recent Covington Catholic High school graduate Nicholas Sandmann won yet another lawsuit against a media giant this week, bitter CNN journalists took to Twitter to try to dunk on the eighteen-year-old with gossipy tweets as an act of revenge. But Sandmann’s…

Bozell: Congratulations to Nick Sandmann for Beating Media Smears
Congratulations to Nick Sandmann on his victory against The Washington Post! These reporters are lying scum who tried to destroy a teen age kid just because he was pro-life. Big mistake. This kid just beat the crap out of them like he beat the crap out of CNN.
That’ll Leave a Mark: Nicholas Sandmann Settles Lawsuit with WashPost
In a week where some in the liberal media appear to be rooting for the coronavirus as it’ll hurt the President’s agenda and his reelection prospects, recent Covington Catholic High School graduate Nicholas Sandmann racked up another legal win against these same partisan tools that tried to ruin his life. After settling with CNN in January, Sandmann announced Friday (and on his 18th birthday)…

Not Done: Sandmann to File New Suits Against Five More Liberal Outlets