Fisher Grills Psaki: If Forced, Would Biden Pick Unions Over Kids?
Thursday’s White House Press Briefing featured more of the same with deflections from Press Secretary Jen Psaki as she downplayed the view of CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky that teacher vaccinations shouldn’t be a prerequisite to school reopenings and refused to state whether, if forced to pick a side, the administration would side with students over teachers unions.

Worried Maddow Laments the 'Tough' Times Trump Put Fauci Through
Considering that the journalists at MSNBC consider Democrats the party of science and Republicans the party of collecting magic beans, it's not surprising that Rachel Maddow on Friday tried to spin life for Anthony Fauci under Trump as a nightmare. She lamented the "tough" times he endured under the previous president. (But the vaccine was developed under which president?)

CNN 'New Day' Hosts Troll Trump on His 'War on Facts and Science'
On Thursday’s New Day, CNN hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota hurled juvenile attacks at President Trump over his public disagreement with CDC director Robert Redfield on masks. Camerota said Trump was "escalating his war on facts and science." Berman said "He also lies about everything from crowd sizes to injecting disinfectant, so there's that."

CBS: Trump ‘at War With Scientists,' ‘Fighting the Science’
CBS This Morning journalists on Thursday used the most hyperbolic language possible as they weighed in on Donald Trump’s dispute with his CDC Director over the timing of a COVID vaccine. Reporter Weijia Jiang attacked, “This is not the first time President Trump has been at war with scientists. But this time he unequivocally threw his own CDC director under the bus.”

Dangerous! ABC Helps Biden Spread Fear About COVID Vaccine
On ABC’s Good Morning America Thursday, White House correspondent Cecilia Vega and anchor George Stephanopoulos spent a good deal of time deflecting blame from the Democrat ticket sowing fear about a COVID vaccine to project it was actually being “politicized” by President Trump.

OF COURSE! CNN Hack Blames Reagan for High Corona Death Toll in U.S.
On his Sunday morning show, CNN host Fareed Zakaria opened with a commentary in which he blamed President Ronald Reagan for the U.S. government's failure to minimize the COVID-19 death toll as he argued that giving more funding to government agencies would have led to fewer deaths.

Stephanopoulos Badgers CDC Director to Bash Trump, Return to Lockdowns
ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos grew increasingly frustrated on Thursday’s Good Morning America after he failed to get CDC director Robert Redfield to bash President Trump for insisting we need to reopen schools in the Fall.
After the GMA team sneered that President Trump was “going against the advice of federal health experts” by pushing to reopen schools…

CNN Hack Helps Andrew Cuomo Cover Up Disastrous Nursing Home Decision
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, as New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo made his first appearance on the show since word broke that he went against CDC guidelines and pressured nursing homes to take in COVID-19 patients, leading to thousands of unnecessary deaths, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota failed to bring up the important issue.

CNN Parrots Cuomo Distortions to Blame Trump for Nursing Home Deaths

What Are We Trying to Accomplish With Coronavirus Policy?

Trump, CDC Director Spar with Karl Over ‘Fake News,’ WashPost Quote

Stop Pretending Pandemic Politics Are the New Norm

Joy Behar Frets 'Dire Situation' if Trump Wins; No Clean Air or Water!