
Calm GOP Congressman Battles RAGING Cuomo on Right to Vax

July 26th, 2021 11:17 PM

Chris “Fredo” Cuomo was back from vacation Monday and CNN’s Prime Time was every bit a clown show it always was. For much of the program, the emotionally chafed Cuomo shouted and screamed about people who chose to take the risk and not get vaccinated. And even though Fredo claimed he didn’t want to “shame” people, he railed against them for making a stupid, dumb, and wrong decision.…


'Signs of Senility': Brit Hume Calls Out Biden's Slipping Mental State

July 26th, 2021 8:21 PM

Between his bumbling about during a CNN town hall last week and his over the weekend episode where he seemingly says “my butt’s been wiped,” the condition of President Biden’s mental faculties had drawn increased scrutiny in recent days. And during an appearance on Monday’s Special Report, Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume did what the liberal media refused to do and called…


Painting Over Scandal: Nets Ignore Hunter Biden’s Latest Art Antics

July 23rd, 2021 11:20 PM

In an unsurprising move, Hunter Biden’s life of corruption reared its head this week as, in addition to a dubious arrangement in which he (and the public) supposedly won’t find out who purchased his art when it goes on sale, he’ll be attending an art exhibition that will feature said paintings. Of course, ABC, CBS, and NBC saw zero reason to cover it on their top morning or evening newscasts…


Latino Nets Cover for Super-Spreading Texas Democrats 

July 22nd, 2021 4:20 PM

Now that the publicity stunt by Texas Democratic lawmakers who fled to Washington, D.C. to boycott that state's election security laws backfired, with six of them testing positive for COVID-19, the Latino nets are doing their best to erase them.

Hypocrite NY Times Ignores Vaccine Skepticism of Nets, Blames GOP

July 21st, 2021 5:25 PM

The New York Times is suffering a pandemic of partisan vaccination politics. The latest shot came in Wednesday’s paper, with Jonathan Weisman and Sheryl Gay Stolberg reporting “G.O.P. Sees Virus Surge on Its Turf but Lets Vaccine Skepticism Spread.” The text box affixed blame: “Republicans lag in inoculations but put the blame on others.” But nowhere in the paper’s constant criticism…


ABC Refuses to Tie Texas Democrats to D.C. Covid Superspreader

July 21st, 2021 1:07 AM

Masquerading as an attempt to save democracy, Tuesday saw the PR stunt from Texas Democrats further blow up in their faces as not only had the number of infected lawmakers grown to six, but their charade turned into a superspreader event with an infection in the Speaker’s office and cases inside the Biden White House. And yet, ABC’s World News Tonight felt the need to defend the Lone…


Nets Skip WHO Boss Admitting They Rushed to Rule Out Wuhan Lab

July 15th, 2021 8:51 PM

On Thursday, the director-general of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom admitted what many thought he wouldn’t: his corrupt organization had rushed to keep the Wuhan Institute of Virology off the list of suspected origin points for the coronavirus pandemic. Despite this bombshell admission from a proven lackey of Communist China, the newscasts of ABC’s World News Tonight…


Nets Ignore Biden Inviting U.N. to Bash America on Human Rights

July 14th, 2021 11:23 PM

Former President Obama caused outrage for traveling the world and literally bowing to the leaders of lesser nations. But late Tuesday, President Biden went lower by inviting the United Nations’ so-called Human Rights Council (which is infamously loaded with human rights abusers) to come to America and bash us as racist. And even though Biden was setting America up to be unjustly assailed by…


Reuters Decries Anti-Communist Protests Over COVID Risk, Nets Move On

July 14th, 2021 8:43 PM

While the liberal media disregarded the spread of COVID during Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020, Reuters admitted on Wednesday that it couldn’t stand watching the people of Cuba protesting against communist oppression and crying out for their freedom. And even though Cuba’s authoritarian regime was rounding up journalists and there were still solidarity protests in South…


ABC Odd Man Out as NBC Calls Out Cuba's 'Communist Dictatorship'

July 13th, 2021 11:47 PM

Following the lead of the CBS Evening News who admitted that “communist rule” was responsible for all of the problems in Cuba the previous evening, Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News saw correspondent Morgan Radford call out the island’s “communist dictatorship” for the “dire food shortages” and the crackdown on free speech. She also highlighted the rightfully emotional Cuban-…


Nets Back Biden’s Vilification of GOP as Greatest Threat to America

July 13th, 2021 9:11 PM

Using language on Tuesday that the liberal media would suggest was threatening lives if it had come from former President Trump, President Biden accused Republicans and their election integrity efforts of being the greatest threat to American democracy since the Civil War. But instead of condemning his comments, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly…


ABC, CBS Cheer TX Dems Jetting Off to DC to Block GOP Election Bill

July 12th, 2021 8:32 PM

Instead of doing their jobs as lawmakers on Monday, Texas Democrats gabbed a 30-rack of Miller Lite and hopped on a private plane (maskless) to jet on up to Washington, D.C. for a vacation. And like the good party shills that they were, ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News cheered them on because they were saving the country from the evil Republican menace and their…

NYT Loves Commie Revival of Mao: 'Violence Against Capitalists'

July 11th, 2021 6:47 PM

The New York Times disturbing celebration of Communist China continued on the front of the Saturday Business in Li Yuan’s column, “China’s Youth Are Turning to Mao – The chairman’s call for struggle against capitalists is attracting those frustrated with few opportunities.” The presentation is distressingly neutral about the prospect of left-wing, Maoist-inspired murders among the…


Univisión cubre por Biden según activistas exigen acabar con Titulo 42

July 9th, 2021 11:43 AM

En Univisión saben que el tiempo apremia para que Biden cumpla con las generosas promesas de reforma migratoria que hiciera a la base pro fronteras abiertas. Pero en un informe reciente sobre un grupo de activistas que piden acabar con las deportaciones del Título 42, la cadena fungió de mediador para la Casa Blanca.