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Morning Joe Eruption Over Trump & Charlottesville: 'He Is a Racist'
August 14th, 2017 11:07 AM
The panel of Morning Joe erupted with outrage Monday morning over President Trump’s response to the Charlottesville rally. Willie Geist noted a “pattern” being at work, stating, “There's always this beat, this pause, this wink and he did it again on Saturday where it happened on many sides.” New York Times reporter Yamiche Alcindor agreed as she noted her own experiences in encountering pro-Trump…

Alt-Left Insanity: Take Your Kids to the Climate Justice Fashion Show
August 12th, 2017 1:15 PM
Leave it to the loony fringe from Its Going Down -- the folks too illiterate to use an apostrophe -- to hate on nations and borders. IGD is a pro-antifa site that was recently banned on the funding site Patreon. (Here’s their wildly spun version of events.) IGD posted a big piece called: “Borders: The Global Caste System.” Actual quote one: “The border is not just a wall or a line on a map. It’s…

New York Times Helps Antifa Soften Up Harmful Violent Stereotypes
August 6th, 2017 9:33 PM
The New York Times special Education section Sunday soft-pedaled the authoritarian left-wing movements afoot on many college campuses, including the violence black-bloc "anti-fascist" movement Antifa. First, Laura Pappano’s solid if slightly muddled piece on left-wing campus intolerance of dissenting views appeared under a euphemistic headline: “Where ‘Everything Is Under Attack’ -- Students are…

Alt-Left Insanity: Trump Ruined Bisexual Wedding … By Winning
July 22nd, 2017 2:15 PM
It’s eight months since election day and six since President Trump took office. And the left is still writing stories about how they can’t cope with the results. It’s like a good chunk of the nation has PTSD or just sore-loser disease. The latest comes to us from the nutters at Bustle. That website pretends to be mainstream, only it's not. It’s certifiable alt-left nonsense. The site uses all…

Will This Lefty Netflix Movie Make You Cancel Your Subscription?
July 1st, 2017 12:15 PM
It's a black comedy! It's a two-hour rant against capitalism! It's both ... and one of the year's worst films. Hate rarely makes for great comedy. Look no further than the late night landscape. Comedians spew monologues brimming with bile, leaving audiences with one simple question.

After Shooting, NPR Flunks 'Fact Check' On Rise in Left-Wing Violence
June 18th, 2017 7:21 PM
It might seem bad enough that NPR would bury the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and other Repub licans to the bottom of the "Week in Politics" on Friday's All Things Considered. But that NPR "news" program also aired a fraudulent "Fact Check" asking the self-evident question "Is Left-Wing Violence Rising?" They found a left-wing expert to insult everyone's intelligence by…

USA Today: Trump Driving Liberals to Yoga
May 29th, 2017 9:03 PM
Good news! President Donald Trump is making yoga great again!!!
This news comes to us by way of the May 29 USA Today in which Paul Singer reports that the election of Donald Trump has driven many liberals to take up yoga as a means of escape or to energize themselves for the "resistance" ahead. So perhaps those opposed to Trump will discard their basic black Antifa wannabee ninja outfits for…

Alt-Left Insanity: ‘Trump Will Try to Stage A Coup’
May 4th, 2017 9:06 AM
It’s amazing what we can learn from literature. The Lost Boys didn’t stay in Neverland with Peter. Sure, they never grew up. They just became liberals in the midst of a perpetual tantrum. The Lost Girls, too, apparently. Even the most recent presidential candidate Hillary Clinton loudly proclaims she is, “part of the resistance.”

David Brooks Backs Away from Trump 'Outrage Level 11'
April 28th, 2017 12:28 PM
It seems as if New York Times columnist David Brooks has crawled back from the Antifa ninja play warrior resistance limb he went out on just after the last election and has decided that he can now just barely tolerate the crease in the pants of President Donald Trump. His April 28 column has announced that he is dialing back his "Outrage Level 11" Trump derangement syndrome down to a mere level…

UPDATED: Luis Gutierrez Directs Univision Coverage of May Day Mayhem
April 13th, 2017 2:59 PM
What happens when Univision's go-to Member of Congress graces, as he does routinely, the network's Sunday show set? You get distortions, revised history, and pure partisanship. This time, though, Congressman Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) also acted as news director.

Alt-Left Insanity: Heal From Your ‘Toxic Whiteness!'
March 31st, 2017 8:04 AM
A mind is a terrible thing. No, that’s hardly the United Negro College Fund slogan. (“A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”) It is symptomatic of the more extreme areas of the alt-left. They and their demented influence are spreading rapidly and it’s hardly good news. They are like dumping crack houses in a ritzy neighborhood. Imagine D.C.’s Georgetown or LA’s 90210 and then drop in drug houses…

How Ironic: Conservative Bus Vandalized By Tolerant LGBT Activists
March 24th, 2017 11:50 AM
If you’re not convinced the media is on board with the LGBT agenda, think again. On the evening of March 23, NYC vandals damaged a bus displaying a conservative message about gender, and even tackled the vehicle’s driver. Although liberal media outlets condemned the bus’s message prior to the incident, few reported on the vandalism and its ironic assault on free speech. And if they did, biased…

Museum Shuts Down Shia Labeouf's Anti-Trump Livestream Project
February 10th, 2017 7:40 PM
Exactly three weeks after its kickoff on Inauguration Day, Shia Labeouf's anti-Trump livestream camera project has been shut down today by the Museum of the Moving Image in the Astoria section of Queens, NY. Yes, you will no longer be able to see leftists robotically chanting "He will not divide us" over and over again. Even more importantly, you will also no longer be able to laugh as Trump…

Alt-Left Insanity: When Liberals Preach, We Must Impeach
February 10th, 2017 6:49 AM
The alt-left has lost its … it. Whatever it is, they have lost it.
We have “journalists” saying fake news is, “the equivalent of the N-word for journalists” or even questioning whether President Donald Trump is going to go full Putin and start killing journalists. Both those things happened … in one week. There’s more triggering in your average newsroom than there is at an NRA target-shooting…