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Bozell & Graham Column: CNN Wildly Exaggerates the 'Explosion' of Hate
July 2nd, 2019 11:29 PM
CNN marked the beginning of the Fourth of July holiday week with a one-hour special called State of Hate: The Explosion of White Supremacy. These people pledge allegiance in their marketing to “Facts First,” but on what factual basis is there an “explosion of white supremacy” in America? CNN will deny it, of course, but at the end of the day, they don’t see much difference between white…

CNN Surprisingly Speaks Up for Ngo While Nets Cower
July 2nd, 2019 6:44 PM
On Tuesday morning, CNN’s New Day went where few networks would and interviewed conservative journalist Andy Ngo, an editor for Quillette, after his barbaric assault at the hands of the “anti-fascist” fascists known as Antifa. Ngo, recently released from the hospital after suffering a brain hemorrhage, was slurring his words and was clearly shaken up. New Day dedicated 5 minutes and thirty five…

CNN Headlines, Chyrons Try to Discredit Journalist Attacked by Antifa
July 2nd, 2019 11:47 AM
When you’re a liberal and you fabricate a ludicrous story painting conservatives as the violent aggressors with absolutely zero evidence, your story gets nationwide attention for weeks on end with little scrutiny. If you’re a conservative clearly attacked on video by leftists with corroborating witnesses however, you story is given scarce attention and cast with doubt by the media. We saw that…

Conservative Journalist Andy Ngo Recounts Vicious Assault By Antifa
July 1st, 2019 11:02 PM
On Saturday, conservative journalist Andy Ngo, who reports for Quillette, was brutally beaten with fists and weapons and doused with milkshakes laced with quick-dry cement by the left-wing, domestic terrorist group Antifa. The attack left him hospitalized with damage to his face and a brain hemorrhage. He was luckily released from the hospital Monday evening and seemed well enough to do an…

UGLY: CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NYT Ignore Antifa Violence, Beating of Andy Ngo
July 1st, 2019 7:28 PM
In an update to the coverage totals posted by NewsBusters’s Nick Fondacaro here and here, the flagship major broadcast networks CBS and NBC still have yet to acknowledge the Antifa violence committed on Saturday in Portland, Oregon, which included the brutal beating and milkshaking of Quillette’s Andy Ngo, which left him badly injured with a brain bleed. Along with CBS and NBC, MSNBC and The New…

The New York Times Smears the Catholic Church Over Gay Marriage
July 1st, 2019 3:07 PM
Pride Month has ended. Big corporations have shed their rainbow skins; the media’s daily celebration of drag queen shenanigans and sexualized children has trickled down to its ordinary amount. But The New York Times managed one last gay huzzah, and it was a shot at the Catholic Church to boot.

Stelter Pays Lip Service to Battered Journo, Ignores CNN’s Antifa Tout
June 30th, 2019 3:33 PM
For years now, CNN has claimed President Trump has made America a dangerous place for journalists, it’s even the topic of chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta’s new book. It’s a narrative they sowed to tar Trump supporters and anyone who would question their motives. But on Saturday it was “right-wing” journalist Andy Ngo who was viciously assaulted by left-wing Antifa terrorists.

ABC Gives 17 Seconds to Antifa Attack, Ignores Journo With Brain Bleed
June 30th, 2019 12:55 PM
Portland, Oregon police allowed the domestic terrorist group known as Antifa to prowl their streets on Saturday were they clashed with purported “right-wing” protesters and assaulted the press. Despite putting one journalist in the hospital with a brain hemorrhage, ABC’s Good Morning America couldn’t be bothered to give the story more than 17 seconds and no mention of the journalist. NBC’s Sunday…

Facebook Keeps Antifa Group That Doxed Tucker Carlson
June 24th, 2019 2:07 PM
An Antifa-related activist group called “All Out DC” has been putting up posters with the personal information of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, as well as other free speech figures, in an effort to “Block the Alt-Right.” The group’s poster announced an upcoming rally on July 6 along with Carlson’s face and personal information. The caption labeled him as a “racist with a huge following and…

YouTube Blasted for ‘Carpet Bombing’ After Demonetizing SPLC Content
June 10th, 2019 3:34 PM
While YouTube has been panicking over one offended LGBT reporter, the platform’s overreaction has both sides outraged. YouTube announced a crackdown on Wednesday June 5 on videos promoting or glorifying racism and discrimination. However, in what appears to be the haphazard actions of a hastily deployed algorithm, even videos critiquing “hate speech” and conspiracy theories have been taken down…

New York Times Runs Elaborate Page-One Smear of YouTube Conservatives
June 9th, 2019 3:08 PM
Kevin Roose, a technology writer for the New York Times, made a front-page splash on Sunday with “The Making of a YouTube Radical – How the Site’s Algorithms Played Into the Hands of the Far Right.” A caption underneath a photo of the story’s subject: “Caleb Cain likens the far right on YouTube to a “decentralized cult.” The interactive version is graphically rich, dominated by an enormous…

Fresno Bee Glosses Over Issue of AOC's Far-Left Agenda
June 6th, 2019 10:00 PM
Since the Memorial Day controversy in Fresno when the Grizzlies minor league baseball team showed a video depicting Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (shown speaking at the 2019 Women's Rights March in New York) as an "enemy of freedom," the Fresno Bee has published multiple stories on the controversy which conveniently skipped right over the socialist firebrand's ideas for eroding many of…

WHAT?! Bill Nye Invokes Fighting Climate Change Alongside D-Day
June 5th, 2019 11:54 PM
With Thursday marking the 75th anniversary of the Allied invasion along the northern coast of France known as D-Day, news organizations have been offering special coverage with incredibly powerful, substantive, and fitting tributes to both those lost that day, since then, and those remaining veterans. But then there’s Wednesday’s Hardball on MSNBC and guest Bill Nye the Science Guy comparing the…

CNN Brags: Obama Got a Better Welcome at NBA Game Than Trump in London
June 3rd, 2019 11:53 PM
The liberal media will take any chance they get to show their admiration for their favorite president. In the latter portion of CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, host Chris Cuomo and CNN Tonight host Don Lemon gushed about how former President Barrack Obama was cheered at an NBA game while mocking how President Trump had protesters in London. Not only that, they made the mind-numbing claim that Obama had…