2012 Governors

Obnoxious Lefty HBO Show Bemoans 'Today's Reality' is 'Fascism'
February 26th, 2018 12:40 AM
HBO's new drama Here and Now has basically become a parody of the left. It's full of trendy social justice themes, buzzwords, and Chicken Little-style angst that the sky is most certainly falling. The show could use the exact same storylines, even the same script, and come up with a hilarious satire about self-important liberals in the Pacific Northwest.

AP Covers Whining About Walker's Security, But Not 'John Doe' Thuggery
April 26th, 2015 11:35 PM
The Associated Press is one of many national establishment press outlets which has from all appearances utterly ignored National Review's chronicling of police-state tactics used by law enforcement in a "John Doe" investigation targeting Republican Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin. Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm's fishing expedition, which began in 2012, has attempted but thus…

Did Chuck Todd Say Too Much About MSNBC?
November 12th, 2014 12:22 PM
Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator of Meet the Press, just released his latest book “The Stranger: Barack Obama In the White House” chronicling the Democrat’s first six years as president. While much of the book details the numerous political battles the administration was engaged in, three excerpts from the book are quite striking. Not only does Chuck Todd concede that MSNBC…

Anti-Voter ID March Requires Participants Bring Photo ID; Most Media O
February 9th, 2014 9:46 PM
Leftist protesters trying to portray themselves as mainstream gathered in Raleigh, North Carolina yesterday to protest moves made by the Republican-dominated state government yesterday.
One of protesters' major objections is to a voter-identification law passed last year. That's more than a little ironic, because guess what organizers required march participants to have? That's right: photo…

Newly Obtained E-Mails Show Lerner Gave Tea Party Tax Info to FEC, Big
November 4th, 2013 4:00 PM
On October 31 the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard reported the following: “The Internal Revenue Service shared highly confidential tax information of several Tea Party groups in the IRS scandal with the Federal Election Commission, a clear violation of federal law, according to newly obtained emails. The public watchdog group Judicial Watch told Secrets Thursday that it was former scandal…

Ann Coulter Discusses New Book With NewsBusters: Evidence Suggests Lib
October 14th, 2013 12:24 AM
On Friday, NewsBusters had the privilege of being the first organization to interview New York Times bestselling author Ann Coulter about her new book, “Never Trust a Liberal Over Three - Especially a Republican.”
What follows is the first part of the discussion (video follows with transcript):
WashPost Raves About Leftist 'Laramie Project' Play by Ford's Theatre
October 3rd, 2013 3:05 PM
The Washington Post launched two stories today promoting “The Laramie Project,” a leftist play staged by Ford’s Theatre that blames the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard on the bigotry of America. In neither story did the Post disclose to the reader that The Washington Post is an “Official Media Partner” of this play and the larger “Lincoln Legacy Project” to “create dialogue around the issues of…

MSNBC: North Carolina Is Lab Where GOP Has ‘Perfected Its Frankenste
August 22nd, 2013 5:55 PM
Former DNC press secretary Karen Finney continues to use her MSNBC show to brazenly fly her partisan flag. On Sunday’s Disrupt with Karen Finney, the half-black host slammed North Carolina as a state that showcases the Republican “agenda on steroids.” One of her guests went further, dubbing North Carolina “the laboratory where the GOP has perfected its Frankenstein monster.”
Finney began the…

MSNBC Continues to Distort Proposed N.C. Voter ID Law
July 22nd, 2013 3:39 PM
Over the past few weeks, the folks at MSNBC have done their part to promote the “Moral Monday” protests in North Carolina, objecting to new laws passed by the Republican-controlled state legislature. In typical MSNBC fashion, rather than having a balanced panel discussion on the validity of the “Moral Monday” protests, guest host Craig Melvin simply brought on a representative of the NAACP to…

NY Times Hypes NAACP Protests Against GOP-Led N.C. Legislature
June 12th, 2013 12:33 PM
You can tell that members of the liberal media are uncomfortable that a southern state legislature is finally reflecting the conservative values of its electorate. For the first time in over a century, the GOP in North Carolina controls both chambers of the state legislature as well as the governorship, a feat that has the left-leaning staff at The New York Times extremely nervous and…

Media Didn't Worry About Dems Overplaying 'GOP War on Women' or 'GOP C
June 4th, 2013 10:16 AM
You can't swing a dead cat these days without hitting some liberal media member cautioning the Republicans to not "overplay their hand" concerning the various scandals now plaguing the White House.
Do you remember the press being concerned that the Democrats would overplay 2006's "Republican Culture of Corruption" or last year's "Republican War on Women?"

Politico's Jonathan Martin: 'Progress for Other African-American Polit
April 29th, 2013 8:42 PM
They must be paying by the word over at Politico. It's difficult to come up with another explanation as to why reporter Jonathan Martin would slog through about 3,100 words on an item entitled "Black pols stymied in Obama era." He could have easily summarized why this is the case in eight words: "Because Barack Obama is all about Barack Obama." Oh, he could have added a few more, namely "and…

First-Quarter GDP, Part 2 of 3: AP Argues With Itself
April 28th, 2013 12:48 PM
On Friday, the government reported that the economy grew by an annualized 2.5 percent during the first quarter. As I noted in Part 1 (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), three establishment press outlets (CNN, Bloomberg, and Reuters) pronounced the result "disappointing" -- but not Martin Crutsinger and Christopher Rugaber at the Associated Press, whose headline read "AFTER NEAR-STALL IN LATE 2012,…

AP's Bauer Bitterly Covers Scott Walker's Exoneration, Ignores Disgust
March 3rd, 2013 1:20 PM
On Friday morning, Milwaukee County District Attorney, a Democrat, announced that an investigation into illegal campaigning and other illegal acts while current Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was the county's executive had concluded nine days earlier. Three former Walker aides, a political appointee, and two private citizens were sentenced. Two county officials pled guilty to crimes relating…