On CBS's racially-segregated "Survivor" reality show Thursday night, an Asian man named "Cao Boi" (pronounced Cowboy) went on a rant against the Iraq war and insisted American teenagers are going to be drafted and sent to Iraq en masse -- unless you're privileged, "unless you're Mr. Bush children." He was telling a story about a conversation he had at a restaurant:
“This old man he said, 'I come to
That's not to say this rant went unrebutted. Brad the fashion director quickly concluded: "The guy just does not shut up."
Then another contestant asked what if the teens went to college? Cao Boi scoffed: “So what if they go to college? If there’s a draft, your ass is going. College! Unless you’re a Senator’s child—or a congressman’s children, you’re going, unless you’re Mr. Bush children [sic]. Your lineage is blue or something.”
Brad piled on more ridicule: "I don’t think he’s all there." Or will “ever be there….unless he’s medicated.”