MSNBC Claims Deceased Auto Tycoon Henry Ford Polling Poorly in NY Senate Race

January 19th, 2010 6:13 PM
Poll Results, MSNBC During the 12:00PM ET hour of live coverage on Tuesday, MSNBC displayed a poll that showed deceased founder of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford, losing to sitting New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand in a possible Democratic primary for the seat. Considering Ford’s ties to big business and non-living status, his 17% to Gillibrand’s 41% was a respectable showing.

In reality, the Siena Research Institute poll described the race between Gillibrand and former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford Jr., who has entertained the possibility of challenging her in the midterm election. Perhaps a Henry Ford campaign would have promised a Model T in every garage.

MediaBistro’s TVNewser discovered humorous error and as poster Kevin Allocca pointed out, Harold Ford Jr. has served as an MSNBC political analyst.