ABC Plugs Teens Shaming Kavanaugh in ‘#MeToo Era’

September 26th, 2018 10:48 AM

UPDATE: H/T to a NewsBusters reader who let us know that one of the teens ABC interviewed below, Brennan Leach, is actually the daughter of Democrat Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach, who is ironically being accused of sexual harrassment by his staffers. Brennan Leach was also accused of planting a question to Hillary Clinton during a 2016 townhall. None of this was mentioned by ABC.

After spending four reports on the sexual assault allegations surrounding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh Wednesday, ABC continued trying to elevate the accusers and shame the conservative judge in a fifth report on Good Morning America, where high schoolers lectured adults for not “believing the women” who’ve raised dubious and uncorroborated claims about Kavanaugh.

ABC correspondent Deborah Roberts spoke to four teens to get their take on the controversy, framing Kavanaugh as already guilty of the crimes he’s accused of committing as a high school student.

“This controversy surrounding Judge Kavanaugh is really a hot button issue amongst teens who are experiencing their own awakening about inappropriate behavior,” Roberts began, noting the teens she spoke to were the same age as the judge was when he “allegedly assaulted Christine Blasey Ford.” GMA played a clip of young people in the halls of the Supreme Court protesting Kavanaugh and chanting, “We believe Blasey Ford,” before Roberts prompted the “woke” high schoolers to lecture Kavanaugh and his supporters as anti-women:

ROBERTS: Some of his defenders including the President, discount the stories of his accusers. Amy, a high school senior in Arizona says that backlash against women who step forward sets a bad example for young women.

AMY, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT: It shows girls my age that their voices don't matter. That if they are abused or treated badly in high school, it's fine. They should just deal with it because ‘boys will be boys.’

Throughout the report, Roberts and her subjects treated the serious accusations made against Kavanaugh as basically fact, lecturing that seventeen was old enough to know rape is wrong, and using Kavanaugh as a national example of how teen boys will “now” be judged for their actions, (as if alleged rape was acceptable before this):

"A recent national survey shows that three-quarters of girls 14 to 19 say they feel judged as a sexual object and unsafe as a girl. But the conversation surrounding the Kavanaugh nomination may be encouraging teen boys to think carefully about their actions," Roberts stated.

The ABC correspondent noted that girls were now enlightening their male peers as to the sexist double standard they faced at their hands:

ROBERTS: Now, a new conversation happening among America's teens between young men and young women.

BRENNAN LEACH, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT: When I sit down with my guy friends who are confused, who are doubting the legitimacy of these allegations and I sort of explain to them in a face-to-face way what this experience is like for young girls, you know, they do open up their mind. They listen, they're open to hearing what I have to say, what my friends have to say.

Roberts ended her report by again reiterating that these accusations were valuable in and of themselves because they were teaching teens how we “treat each other” as “men and women.”