Deborah Roberts

Pants on Fire: ABC Airs INSANE Segment Defending DEI as ‘Merit-Based’
ABC’s Good Morning America aired Monday possibly the most deceitful and glossy depiction of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs as “merit-based,” a continuation of the civil rights movement “levelling the playing field,” and creating “equitable outcomes.” DEI does not, they insisted, have anything to do with hurting one group of people or giving prominence to those…

ABC Hails Kamala ‘Blazing New Trails’, ‘Biblical’ Turn in Campaign
Always a loyal foot soldier for the left, ABC’s Good Morning America was ebullient Monday in fluffing Vice President Kamala Harris being handed an “extraordinary moment” as the likely Democratic presidential nominee with “a flood of cash” and “history” on her side now that President Biden has dropped out against “felon” Donald Trump.

FLASHBACK: Celebrating Liberal Justice Jackson, the ‘American Dream’
Two years ago, the U.S. Senate voted to confirm federal Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Eighteen months earlier, liberal journalists fumed when a nearly mirror-image Senate vote elevated federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett, but Jackson’s confirmation was a time for “celebration” of a new Justice who “represents excellence” and the “American Dream.”

Nets Get Weak Knees Over ‘Genuine,’ ‘Remarkable’ KBJ’s ‘Beaming Smile’
The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC decided Friday afternoon that they had to up their game for the White House’s celebration of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation, waxing poetic about the “extraordinary” “party” for Jackson, who exudes “excellence” in the face of “persistent sexism,” “racism,” and “attacks” from Republicans and those who haven’t joined in “this moment of…

Puffball Coverage of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson in 3...2...1
If coverage of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s hearings (set to begin on Monday) is anything like what Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominees faced, expect the liberal media to do everything they can to pave the way to an easy confirmation. When they weren’t singing the praises of their backgrounds, or even comedic stylings, liberal reporters and anchors tried to downplay the leftist leaning of…

ABC Teams With Biden WH to Fawn Over ‘Real Person’ Ketanji Jackson
Wednesday on ABC’s Good Morning America, the network newscast decided to give the Biden White House an assist in its PR campaign to confirm far-left judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court by interviewing three “lifelong friends” “who know her best” on “what” we need “to know.”

ABC Hypes New ‘Jane Roe’ Doc: McCorvey's Pro-Life Stance A 'Scam'

Nets Gush Over Obama Netflix Doc: Will ‘Break All Kinds of Records'

Hostin Amazed by John Dean Comparing Trump to Nixon: 'Exact Same!'

ABC Mocks Ivanka Over Emails: Doesn’t ‘Lock Her Up’ Apply to You?

Nets Make Final Pleas to Viewers to Vote Democratic in Midterms

O Their God: Nets Celebrate Oprah Campaigning in Georgia for Dems

GMA Uses High Schoolers to Shame, Lecture Kavanaugh In '#MeToo Era'