Media Freak Out: 'HHS Pick Will Take Health Insurance Away From Millions of Poor People'

November 29th, 2016 11:12 AM

Hours after Donald Trump announced Republican Congressman Tom Price as his pick for Health and Human Services Secretary the media had already begun their witch hunt against him. Price is a vocal opponent of Obamacare with a consistently conservative record on social issues such as abortion. This, of course, made him an easy target for liberal journalists who took to Twitter Tuesday morning to bash the cabinet pick as a disaster for poor people and the LGBT community.

Ezra Klein, founder of liberal media website, made the ludicrous claim that Price would “take health insurance from millions of poor people.”

Matthew Yglesias, another writer for Vox, tweeted:

New York Times op-ed columnist Paul Krugman, who’s latest loony conspiracy theory accuses FBI director James Comey of colluding with Republicans to swing the election, also asserted Price’s healthcare plan would be bad for the working class.

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Huffington Post reporter Daniel Marans wrote a whole story about Price avoiding a HuffPo reporter hounding him on camera:

HuffPo’s Senior Political Reporter Amanda Terkel continued the online publication’s smearing of Price, this time, claiming he would be “really bad” for the LGBTQ community.

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In addition, several journalists tweeted New York Magazine writer Jelani Cobb’s mudslinging tweet that is basically hearsay:

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