EXPECTEDLY: JD Vance BULLDOZES Through Regime Media’s Sunday Shows

October 27th, 2024 2:40 PM

In what has become a commonplace occurrence, Ohio Senator and GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance gets booked on a Regime Media Sunday show, appears on said show, and then promptly wrecks whatever gotchas the host had planned for him. In this case, Vance went through three shows.

CNN State of the Union host Jake Tapper devoted a significant amount of his time to an attempted cornering of Vance on recent statements made by former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly to The New York Times. Kelly’s remarks were in reaction both to an unsourced article published by longtime Tapper pal Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic alleging that former President Donald Trump said allegedly complimentary things about Adolf Hitler’s generals, and to Trump’s remarks regarding “the enemies within”.

Tapper got demolished for his efforts:

Tapper attempted to revive “childless cat ladies” and “cats and dogs” by asking whether Vance would be VP of ALL Americans, and got stuffed again.

Over on NBC Meet the Press, host Kristen Welker began with foreign policy”. After multiple passes at getting Vance to call Vladimir Putin an “enemy”, Welker rebutted the fact that Trump started no foreign wars with an outright LIE about the 2014 Crimean Invasion (which happened under Obama):

Our own Brent Baker rightly asks a question left hanging in the air after this exchange: should we have gone to direct war with Russia over Crimea? Welker’s line of questioning certainly seemed to suggest that. 

Welker then tried to pin Vance down on loyalty to the Constitution, and got an earful:

Over on CBS Face the Nation, host Margaret Brennan took a similar tack by opening with foreign policy. But then she, like Welker, asked the question on fidelity to the Constitution. Here, Vance goes a different route, calling attention to Vice President Kamala Harris’s calls for censorship of dissidents.

Brennan moves to a gender gap question, attempting to pit Vance against his wife Usha. with predictable results:

With the presidential election just 9 days away, the Regime Media are going into overdrive, seeking to extract the most out of any narrative that might preserve the Regime intact. This is just the beginning.