ABC, CBS Ignore as NBC Barely Covers Violent Pro-Hamas Mob Harassing LA Jews

June 24th, 2024 1:25 PM

On Sunday afternoon, a anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas mob went hunting for Jews near a Los Angeles, California synagogue and Jewish neighborhood, infringing on the right of Jews to live and worship in peace. Along with allowing the terrorist sympathizers to occupy both sides of the street, the scene descended into violence, as exhibited by videos from the scene.

Given this mob wasn’t the same makeup of the white, tiki-torch totting losers who descended on Charlottesville in 2017, ABC, CBS omitted any mention of this during their Sunday night and Monday morning newscasts. NBC wasn’t much better with only 13 seconds on Monday’s Today (and Sunday’s NBC Nightly News having been preempted).



NBC foreign correspondent Matt Bradley tacked it onto the end of his report on the Israel vs. Hamas war. Predictably, he engaged in both-sidesism:

And, Hoda, this violence in the Middle East may, once again, be finding its way to American streets. There were violent protests and clashes between pro-Palestinian protesters and pro-Israeli protesters in front of a synagogue in Los Angeles yesterday.

Ah, yes, the Jews partially brought it on themselves...or something. Notice how the liberal media behave when it comes to attacks on Jews from mobs supporting Hamas versus, say, a kook white supremacist. Add in their hate for Israel, concern for what they perceive as increased Islamophobia, and Joe Biden’s reelection prospects and there’s a potent cocktail of bias.

As for what actually happened, Free Beacon contributor Noah Pollak wrote on X he “was there today for an event at the shul” and blasted the LAPD for “let[ting] the Hamas supporters take over the sidewalk in front of the shul and block its entrance”.

“In fact, LAPD had formed a cordon around the front of the shul to keep Jews out and Hamas supporters in. I tried to enter with my kids through the front door and was turned away not by Hamas supporters but by the LAPD. Anyone who wanted to attend had to use a secret back entrance,” he added.

The Jerusalem Post had a full write-up on the chaos (click “expand”):

An anti-Israel protest at a Los Angeles synagogue on Sunday devolved into brawls, the spraying of counter-protesters and journalists with bear mace, and vandalism of Jewish institutions, according to eyewitnesses and pro-Palestinian groups.

The demonstrations at Adas Torah synagogue in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood were organized by Palestinian Youth Movement LA and Code Pink LA against an Israeli real estate event.

Anti-Israel activist groups and Jewish community members accused one another of starting the violence, sharing videos on social media of the opposing side engaged in fisticuffs. Videos shared by Jewish community members showed Jews being beaten on the ground by members of an anti-Israel mob.


Journalist Daniel Greenfield, who was present at the rally, said on social media that there were multiple instances of Jewish community members being sprayed with bear mace and peppery spray with no police response. He noted that some protesters had prepared "for violence" by wearing ski goggles.


Journalist Cam Higby was hit by bear mace in the eyes, he said on X. He thanked local rabbis, off duty Emergency medical technicians, and community members who escorted him, aided him, and have him water despite not knowing who he was or what his beliefs were.

"People who aren’t antisemitic don’t show up to a synagogue in a Jewish neighborhood with bear spray and other weapons to fight people," said Higby.

Townhall’s Katie Pavlich wrote in her recap that “[a]fter the mob was broken up, they continued to terrorize the neighborhood” and called out the irony of this taking place on President Biden’s watch, “who says he ran for the White House after a mob descended on Charlottesville in 2017 with chants of ‘Jews will not replace us’”.

Biden took nearly a full day to respond, which thus gives the liberal media wider leeway to cover now that they have marching orders. In a post on X (likely by his handlers), he claimed to be “appalled by the scenes outside of Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles”, which were “dangerous, unconscionable, antisemitic, and un-American.”

The lack of initial action by the LAPD, Mayor Karen Bass (D), and California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) were met with sharp condemnations.

Ryan Saavedra with our friends at the Daily Wire had more (click “expand”):

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom faced backlash on Sunday as mobs of pro-Hamas extremists attacked Jews outside of a synagogue in Los Angeles.

The pro-Hamas extremists gathered in front of the Adas Torah synagogue on Sunday morning to block entrance into the buildings and to disrupt a planned peaceful rally of pro-Israel protesters.

Despite the violence that was inflicted on the pro-Israel protesters, only one person was arrested for allegedly carrying a “spiked flag,” The Los Angeles Times reported.

Rabbi Hertzel Illulian blasted local officials in the Democrat-run state for having a double standard about how Jews can be treated.

“Doesn’t belong here,” he said. “I don’t think the Jewish would go in front of a mosque or the Christian people would go in front of a mosque to do such a thing, nobody would accept this, but here, when it comes to Jews and Israel everything is kosher, everything is okay.

Instead of even folding this into their Israel vs. Hamas report, ABC’s Good Morning America had other ideas, such as two segments on Taylor Swift’s latest stops in Europe as part of her Eras Tour and a corporate-juiced, gimmicky segment touting a waterpark that’s little more than an massive obstacle course akin to the network’s one-time show, Wipeout.

CBS Mornings also was busy with two segments on Swift’s Eras Tour making its way through Europe as well as a report about women flocking to North Carolina to kill their unborn children. Ironically, the network painted the state as a place of sanity with a 15-week limit, which was panned as extreme by the exact same show (and the rest of the networks) at the time of its passage.