
ABC, CBS Ignore, NBC Barely Covers Pro-Hamas Mob Attacking LA Jews

June 24th, 2024 1:25 PM

On Sunday afternoon, a anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas mob went hunting for Jews near a Los Angeles, California synagogue and Jewish neighborhood, infringing on the right of Jews to live and worship in peace. Along with allowing the terrorist sympathizers to occupy both sides of the street, the scene descended into violence, as exhibited by videos from the scene. Given this mob wasn’t the same makeup…

UN Boss Commands Gov’t Censorship to ‘Eradicate’ ‘Hate Speech’

June 20th, 2024 4:53 PM

The head of the United Nations is pressuring governments to obliterate all online speech that is allegedly “hateful.”


CBS, NBC Ignore Antisemitic Mob Threatening Jews on the NYC Subway

June 13th, 2024 12:10 PM

Good-hearted Americans were horrified on Wednesday after new video surfaced of an antisemitic mob threatening Jews on a New York City subway, the same mob that had just held a rally where they flew a banner glorifying the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel. The story went untold during the Wednesday evening and Thursday morning newscasts of CBS and NBC. Only ABC called out the hate being…


Late Night Shame: ‘SNL,’ Colbert Can’t Condemn College Antisemitism

May 11th, 2024 1:30 PM

“Saturday Night Live” had a second chance to address the raging antisemitism on today’s college campuses.


ABC Whines Tear Gas Used on Pro-Hamas Mob Trying to Ruin Graduation

May 10th, 2024 5:12 PM

With commencement season ramping up, some universities have decided to protect the rights of the vast majority of their students and put swift ends to the anti-Semitic/pro-Hamas mobs that were trying to ruin the special day their classmates had worked toward by calling in the police to break them up. But ABC’s Good Morning America took exception to their efforts and whined that police…


Levin NUKES Biden, Liberal Media for Minimizing Oct. 7 to Tout Hamas

May 8th, 2024 2:34 PM

Back on Saturday during his Fox News Channel Show Life, Liberty, & Levin, our friend and conservative talk radio legend Mark Levin used his opening monologue to torch President Biden and his allies in the liberal media for downplaying the October 7, 2023 animalistic terror attacks by Hamas on innocents in Israel the further we get from the attacks in order to commiserate with…


Dale Claims Soros Is a 'Target Of Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories'

May 8th, 2024 10:04 AM

After former President Donald Trump gave some remarks to reporters assembled outside of his New York trial on Tuesday, CNN’s host of The Lead, Jake Tapper, brought on the network’s resident fact-checker, Daniel Dale, to assess the accuracy of Trump’s claims. In one instance, Dale shamed Trump for calling D.A. Alvin Bragg a Soros-backed prosecutor, even going so far as to claim Soros…


Jacqui Drops Hammer, Asks WH About Israel Support, GWU Encampment

May 7th, 2024 1:34 PM

In case you missed it, Monday’s White House press briefing was dominated by questions about Hamas supposedly agreeing to a ceasefire deal that, as we would quickly find out, was one they more or less concocted on their own (as opposed to one backed by Egypt, Israel, Qatar, and the U.S.), so Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich made a point to wonder whether the Biden regime still wants Israel to win the war…


ABC, CBS Ignore Frat Bros Who Saved American Flag from Pro-Hamas Mob

May 6th, 2024 3:33 PM

Last week, a group of heroic Pi Kappa Phi fraternity brothers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill saved an American flag from being torn down a desecrated by a mob of anti-Semitic/pro-Hamas student extremists. But in the week since the incident occurred, the flagship morning and evening newscasts of ABC and CBS ignored the incident, while NBC only gave their heroism in the…


ICYMI: Hamill Derails WH Briefing, Doocy Battles KJP on Alma Mater

May 6th, 2024 11:50 AM

Friday’s White House press briefing began with a distinct 2016 vibe as the Biden administration demanded it be taken seriously on the reelection front with Star Wars actor Mark Hamill surprising reporters ahead of May 4 (aka May the Fourth Be With You!) and a few dutifully complied by asking him questions despite the fact that, as we’d later learn, one hasn’t seen any of the movies. …

What Word the Media Refuses to Use For the College Riots: Insurrection

May 4th, 2024 4:00 PM

No one who's politically aware can be unaware of January 6, 2021. Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington to protest the counts and Covid-related conditions of the 2020 election. A riot took place at the US Capitol. The riot resulted in the charging, per ABC News three years later, of over 1,200 and “incarceration for more than 460 people.” 


PBS Wonders Why College Protests Are Labeled Anti-Semitic

May 4th, 2024 10:02 AM

The cast of Friday’s PBS NewsHour was greatly confused. Host William Brangham didn’t understand why the anti-Israel college demonstrators, on the whole, have been branded as anti-Semitic, while Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart didn’t know why it is so hard for the demonstrators to protest Israel without degenerating into anti-Semitism.


Hostin: You Can’t Send Police to Bust Camps, Kids Had ‘Fire Drills!’

May 3rd, 2024 3:42 PM

On Friday’s edition of The View, ABC’s staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host, Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) decried that administrators and states sent the police in to bust many of the illegal, anti-Semitic/pro-Hamas encampments on college campuses across the country. According to her, it was unconscionable for the police to break up the encampments because the…


Meyers Claims Columbia Should've Rejected Police, Surrendered Instead

May 3rd, 2024 10:00 AM

NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers used his Thursday show to condemn Columbia for using the police to clear the illegal encampments and building occupations instead of surrendering to the campers like Brown University. At the same time, Meyers ignored what the leaders of the movement say about Zionism and continued to pretend that they are simply critical of Prime Minister Benjamin…