Could the Charlie Hebdo attack be opening the eyes of some in the liberal media?
On his MSNBC show this evening, Ed Schultz surprisingly said "when something like [Charlie Hebdo] comes up, when you start talking about the militarization of police you start understand it a little bit or maybe to view it in a different light." Welcome to the real world, Ed.
Ever since Ferguson, hand-wringing over police militarization has been a major MSM sport. We'll be on the lookout to see if at MSNBC, the awakening to reality spreads beyond the Schultz [and Matthews] shows.
ED SCHULTZ: Michael [O'Hanlon of the Brookings Institution], how much more can we tighten the grip on society to prevent things like this? There is a great deal of pervasiveness that's going on right now that a lot of people object to, but now when something like this comes up, when you start talking about the militarization of police you start understand it a little bit or maybe to view it in a different light.