Univision Misframes Story on ICE's DNA Testing Pilot Program

August 31st, 2019 7:49 PM

A recent report on the extension of a DNA testing pilot program proves Univision’s biases when it comes to immigration.

Watch as anchor Jorge Ramos frames the report by making the pilot program solely about vetting for criminals:



The DNA testing pilot program for immigrants implemented last May by the Trump Administration could be extended to each and every one of the individuals in the custody of ICE, and of the Border Patrol. And as Dulce Castellanos reports, the objective is to identify people with criminal backgrounds.

Except...that it wasn’t just about criminal backgrounds. But Univision’s viewers don’t discover that DNA testing also helps deter human trafficking until the end of the report.

One would think that this use of such technology, which could be of great assistance towards family reunification, would figure more prominently in the report. But family reunification wasn’t even raised as a potential benefit of the DNA testing program.

Instead, Univision’s viewers got to see a story that led with and was framed around grievance. To that effect, the report included an activist who decried the pilot program as an undue burden that might deter individuals from coming illegally into the United States.

On the bright side, the report included old friend Alfonso Aguilar, who brought much-needed balance on the actual purpose of the DNA test program. More balance on this and other issues would do Univision a world of good.