Univision Joins Media Smear of NRA, Dana Loesch

July 3rd, 2017 10:16 PM

The nation's largest Spanish-language media outlet continues to smear lawful gun owners. This time, Univision joined the rest of the establishment media's gross mischaracterization of a recent video released by the National Rifle Association in which nationally-syndicated talk show host Dana Loesch denounces the violence of the Left.

Here's how anchor Enrique Acevedo framed the report, as aired on Univision's late-night national news.

ENRIQUE ACEVEDO, ANCHOR, NOTICIERO UNIVISION: The most powerful interest group in the country, the National Rifle Association, which lobbies for the right to the free and unrestricted purchase and carrying of all types of firearms, released a video in which it appears to promote violence against groups opposed to the government of President Donald Trump.

The last time we took the time to cover anything having to do with Enrique Acevedo, it was to take note of his whining at not being able to talk to Republicans and conservatives during his D.C.-based coverage of President Trump's first 100 days in office. After this stunt, perhaps he may begin to understand why they avoided him like the plague.

It is clear to anyone who took the time to watch the "Clenched Fist of Truth" video that Acevedo's "appears to promote" sophistries have no factual basis whatsoever. The job of attempting to make Acevedo's charge stick fell to Univision correspondent Galo Arellano, who voiced this incredible quote over a portion of the NRA's video.

"Those who are opposed to Trump use their media to assasinate real news. They use their schools to teach (children) that their president is another Hitler. They use their celebrities, singers and entertainers in order to repeat their narrative again and again.", said National Rifle Association spokesperson Dana Loesch, in a video that has over 4 million views.

But here's the actual transcript of what Losch said:

They use their media to assassinate real news. They use their schools to teach children that their President is another Hitler. They use their movie stars and singers and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.

To be clear, the entire report is built on Acevedo's horrid framing, and Arellano's subsequent stretching, of Loesch's "they" into "those who are opposed to Trump". I'd like to suspend disbelief in order to believe that Univision's honest reporting is the victim of some really bad translating. But I've read enough of Jorge Ramos' opinion columns to know that this is not the case.

The thing about translating is that you actually have to render what the person said; not what you want them to say in order to fit a prefabricated narrative.

But wait, there's more! Arellano further adds to these false predicates by saying that: 

The purpose of the video is to recruit members into the National Rifle Association, but there are those who think that it went too far. Her speech suggests that those who are opposed to President Donald Trump's style of governing use President Barack Obama as a pretext in order to call the Resistance, and sow chaos during the protests that are being carried out.

And voilá, what was originally a denunciation of the Left's penchant for violence and mayhem in word and deed - a violence that well precedes Trump as proven by Occupy and the Seattle WTO riots to name just two examples - becomes a rally to violence in support of Trump. By that point (halfway into a two-minute report), it doesn't matter that you have voiceovers for either side of the debate, including a powerful Second Amendment advocate (Raul Más Canosa). People are debating over false vapor because of the poison that Acevedo and Arellano dumped into the story. And then Arellano has the nerve of shutting the lid on this flaming dumpster of a story by telling viewers to be the judge.

To suggest that this is a fake story is a grievous insult to fake news. Univision has long-held instutional biases against the Second Amendment, the National Rifle Association, and the overall concept of private gun ownership. In addition to presenting pieces such as these and indulging Jorge Ramos' incessant calls for abolition of the Second Amendment, Univision was a corporate media partner in last year's Bloomberg-fronted "Wear Orange" campaign.

Not entirely unexpected for a network that gives aid, comfort, and friendly media to a convicted terrorist. But the millions that continue to look to this network for their news deserve far better. At a minimum...the truth.