Polls on Media Bias

New Survey: Most Agree Journalists 'Deserve' Scrutiny, Criticism

Bozell & Graham Column: Poll Underlines Liberal Dominance in TV News
The Hollywood Reporter performed a poll on the news media, and the finding is still unexpected and shocking to some. The headline was “Americans Think All Network News Channels Lean Liberal, Poll Finds.” Common sense has won. Can we dispose with the ridiculous fiction that the network news product is objective, strictly balanced, and nonpartisan?

New Poll: 45 Percent Say Media Was Biased Against Kavanaugh

Too Political: 43% Surveyed Less Likely to Watch Sports

New Poll: Most Americans 'Angry or Bothered' by Seeing Biased News
The latest Gallup/Knight Foundation poll on the media and democracy finds a substantial degree of skepticism about the press, despite all the sloganeering about “Facts First” and “Truth” being “more important than ever.” Overall, Americans estimate that about 62 percent of the news they see on television, read in newspapers and hear on the radio is biased. They are even more inclined to see…

Poll: 77 Percent Believe 'Traditional' Media Report 'Fake News'
The American people are very skeptical of “fake news” in the Old Media. A new Monmouth University poll asked respondents “Do you think some traditional major news sources like TV and newspapers ever report fake news stories, or not?” A whopping 77 percent of those polled said Yes – 31 percent said it happens regularly, and 46 percent said it happens occasionally.

Poll Finds Poor Trust Numbers for ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, LAT, WashPost

Wow: Nearly Half of Voters Believe Media Make Up Stories About Trump
According to a poll conducted by Politico and Morning Consult, nearly half of American voters distrust the media’s reporting on President Trump and his administration. Not only that, but they believe journalists deliberately fabricate stories about Trump. More surprising, it’s not just Republicans or Trump supporters who believe this.

Gallup Poll: Most Republicans Disagree Media 'Get the Facts Straight'

PBS Poll: More Americans Trust Trump Than the Media; 'Horrible Trend'

New Poll: 50 Percent Believe Media Have Over-Dramatized Trump Charges
If you believe that the news media's coverage of allegations involving President Donald Trump has been irresponsible and over-dramatized, you’re not alone. According to a new poll released by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal, 50 percent of participants believe the media have favored people making allegations against the Republican occupant of the White House; 34 percent think the media…

Two New Polls Show Deepening Distrust of Trump-Trashing Press Corps
Two new polls demonstrate an ongoing, deepening distrust of the so-called “objective” news media, especially among Republicans. A new Rasmussen Reports poll published on Thursday found 76 percent of Republicans and 51 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party believe most reporters are biased against President Trump. YouGov.com found 70 percent agreed news…

New Poll: Most Americans Don't Trust the 'Fake News' Media

Bozell & Graham Column: Hiding the Media's Disapproval Rating
The latest poll by USA Today and Suffolk University carried some eye-opening numbers about public disapproval of the media’s aggressive attempts to run the country. They found President Trump has a 45 percent approval rating, while 47 percent disapprove. That’s not surprising. The media talk about his unpopularity all the time. But here’s what they don’t talk about: their own numbers. Only 37…