Kaili Joy Gray

Liberal Media Scream ‘F**K Off’ Over ‘Abortion Memo’ in NYT
February 2nd, 2018 2:54 PM
The liberal media are all for tolerance – but all bets are off when op-ed columnists question adherence to abortion. On Thursday, The New York Times published op-ed columnist David Brook’s “Abortion Memo.” In his “imaginary” memo on “late-term abortions,” a Democratic consultant advised Democratic leaders to end the party’s obsession over abortion.
Daily Kos Foams at Mouth Over Pro-Life 'Terrorists'' Annual March For
January 14th, 2013 3:44 PM
Kaili Joy Gray, Daily Kos's "Angry Mouse" of an associate editor (seriously, that is her nickname at the far left website) tried her darndest to stuff every bigoted term the radical left has for pro-life activists in a Monday item for the "online political community." Gray bewailed how the "terrorists dressed up like sweet little grandmothers" were coming to Washington, DC for their "…

Daily Kos Week in Review: Jumping the Gun
October 26th, 2012 11:12 PM
This past week, two Kossacks speculated that if President Obama wins a second term, furious right-wingers might well respond with terrorist attacks and lesser mayhem. Another declared that he'd rather share a debate stage with Muppets than with conservatives.
As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

Liberal Echo Chamber Howls at Planned Parenthood Controversy; Networks
February 3rd, 2012 10:43 AM
It seems media outlets only care about reporting on Planned Parenthood when its funding is threatened. When that happens, the liberal press goes ballistic.
When cancer charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure cut funding to Planned Parenthood, the abortion mill reacted swiftly, with a press release that rallied its allies in the media to create a ruckus about losing more than $600,000 in funding.…

Daily Kos Week in Review: The He-Man Woman-Haters Club
November 13th, 2011 2:46 PM
A key part of the left's narrative about American politics is that conservatives hate not only minorities (e.g., blacks, Latinos, gays) but also a majority group: women, who, according to the 2010 census, make up 50.8 percent of the U.S. population. Of course, it's absurd to accuse anyone of misogyny (and worse) simply because he or she is pro-life, but that didn't stop two Kossacks from doing…

Daily Kos on Mississippi: 'Suck It, Forced Birthers
November 10th, 2011 7:35 AM
You've heard of "birthers." But at the Daily Kos, anyone who opposes abortion is a "forced birther." Tub-thumping abortion advocate Kaili Joy Gray is not someone you would call gracious in victory when the Personhood Amendment was defeated in Mississippi.
Her first reaction for all her Kosmonaut friends: "Suck it, forced birthers."

Daily Kos: GOP Women Couldn't Possibly Be Pro-Women
June 25th, 2011 7:55 AM
Kaili Joy Gray at the Daily Kos obviously subscribes to the tired old theory of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz that the Republicans are waging a "war on women." On Thursday, she mocked the idea that GOP women like Rep. Kristi Noem of South Dakota could speak for the fairer sex.
Noem told the AP "The Republican agenda is indeed pro-woman. It is pro-woman because it is pro-small business,…