Mark Oppenheimer
NYTimes Religion Writer Baselessly Accuses Conservatives of Taking Rev
May 29th, 2012 3:54 PM
Mark Oppenheimer's latest bimonthly "Beliefs" column for the New York Times accused conservatives like Jonah Goldberg of misunderstanding Marxist "liberation theology" in using Rev. Jeremiah Wright to attack Barack Obama: "A Campaign Pitch Rekindles the Question: Just What Is Liberation Theology?"
The year 2012 looks a lot like 2008: high unemployment, a candidate named Obama promising to do…

Boston Globe's Pierce: 'Half the Country Sinks' While GOP Denies Globa
May 17th, 2011 4:12 PM
"Today on the program, we'll ask whether Americans are losing the skills of true debate and with it a central pillar of this democracy," BBC's Jonny Dymond informed listeners of the May 15 "Americana" podcast.
Yet when it came to Dymond's guests, there was no dissent from the liberal line.
Take guest Charles Pierce, a Boston Globe columnist and author of "Idiot America: How Stupidity…

Dictators and Double Standards? NY Times Goes After Inhofe, Stayed Qui
April 13th, 2011 3:28 PM
New York Times reporter Mark Oppenheimer on Tuesday documented some of the strange conservative allies of African dictator Laurent Gbagbo of Ivory Coast, who is a Christian: “A Strongman Found Support in Prominent Conservative Christians in the U.S.”
But some of the labeling was overheated: “A secretive evangelical Christian organization that some say has a right-wing agenda.” When the Times…