T. Rees Shapiro

Celeb-Worshipping WaPo Vets UVA's 'Jackie,' Lets Dunham Off the Hook
December 11th, 2014 1:09 PM
Two recent items in the Washington Post support my contention that the establishment press is currently doing more than anyone besides Lena Dunham and "Jackie," both of whom have been irrefutably exposed as rape story fabulists, to cause victims of sexual assault to be reluctant to come forward (Note: That's not to say that the two women haven't been victims of sexual assault, "only" that the…

WashPost Laments School System 'Shortfall', Hints Scaled-back Tax Hike
May 3rd, 2013 8:00 PM
Government bureaucrats often spend the taxpayers' money on the basis of rosy assumptions from tax revenue. Of course, in doing so, they sometimes get burned. But when they are, have no fear, because the Washington Post will lament their plight.
Such was the case recently with the Fairfax County, Va., school board, which the Washington Post gripes is left "with a $30 million shortfall" because…

Liberal Funders Back Journalism Alongside the ACLU, Think Tanks
June 6th, 2012 7:54 AM
California savings-and-loan billionaire and liberal-Democrat philanthropist Marion Sandler died on June 1, and the Washington Post obituary on Wednesday by T. Rees Shapiro underlined once again how the media “establishment” is now funded not just by advertisers, but by Democratic financiers.
Sandler backed the ACLU, the Clintonistas at the Center for American Progress, and investigative…
WaPo Obit Tones Down Climate Scientist's Recent Attack on 'Hitlerian L
July 20th, 2010 7:42 AM
The Washington Post obituary for liberal climate scientist Stephen Schneider, a media favorite over the years to promote the allegedly ironclad certainty of global warming, replayed a very recent jeremiad against "Hitlerian lies" by conservatives in the wake of Climategate. But the Post's version of his remarks toned him down and excised his attacks on "gun-toting rightwingers" who are Limbaugh…