DeNeen Brown

WashPost Covers All the Protest Factions, Including Looter: 'I'm Proud
August 21st, 2014 11:12 PM
Black leftists don’t like President Obama condemning violent protesters and looters in Ferguson alongside the police. On MSNBC Wednesday afternoon, professor Michael Eric Dyson called this balanced approach a “low moment” in the Obama presidency.
“He's got the bully pulpit. Be a bully in the pulpit but don't bully black people. Yesterday was a low moment in the Obama presidency because he…
Mountains Out of Molehills: WaPo Hypes Obama's 'Amazing' Arrival In D
January 5th, 2009 7:46 AM
Barack Obama arriving in Washington to prepare for assuming the presidency is a newsworthy fact. But just arriving isn’t really a front-page story. As the Post explained Monday, "There were no speeches, no ceremonies or official welcoming committees. Instead, Barack Obama, a man famous for his no-drama persona, arrived in the nation's capital in a similarly subdued fashion." But the Post splashed…