Shankar Vedantam

NPR Promotes 'Science' of Kiddie Temper Tantrums, Advises Parents to
December 7th, 2011 11:41 AM
On Monday's Morning Edition, NPR science reporter Shankar Vedantam (formerly of The Washington Post) indulged the naughtiest little children, the ones that throw screaming, crying tantrums in public places. The story claimed scientists have now apparently proven that parents should just let the little monsters roar until they exhaust themselves. In the early stages of rage, parents should "do…

WaPo Can't Seem to Find Anti-Illegal Immigration 'Family Destroyer' Gr
December 21st, 2010 8:48 AM
Tuesday's Washington Post reported that immigration-amnesty advocates are upset that Maryland's Prince George's County is deporting more non-criminals than criminals under the federal government's Secure Communities initiative. Team Obama promised to focus its deportation efforts on criminals. Reporter Shankar Vedantam relayed the concerns of the left (classified only as "immigration rights…

WaPo Promotes 'DREAM Act' for Sympathetic 'Undocumented Youths
November 28th, 2010 8:02 AM
Liberal Democrats would like to use the lame-duck session of Congress to squeeze out passage of the "DREAM Act" to provide a "path" for citizenship to illegal-alien students. So The Washington Post ordered up another round of sympathetic press-release coverage for Sunday's paper with the tableau of a Thanksgiving dinner, complete with a beautiful "exemplary student" named Anngie Gutierrez who…
WaPo's Vedantam: Racism Behind Effects of Rev. Wright
May 6th, 2008 11:41 AM
There they go again. Once more, a liberal print journalist has seen racism behind conservative concerns about Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). Yesterday, NewsBusters noted a blog post by a Chicago Tribune journalist which claims that Obama’s “supposed patriotism deficit” is because white Americans view African Americans in general as less patriotic. In a May 5 Washington Post article appearing…