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Yassar Arafat

CNN's Sciutto Frets Israelis Are Shooting 'Unarmed Protesters'
October 16th, 2015 10:47 PM
On Friday's Wolf show on CNN, during an interview with Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer, substitute host Jim Sciutto cited a quote from State Department Spokesman John Kirby accusing Israeli security forces of using "excessive force" against Palestinians as he charged that Israelis have been using "live fire" to shoot at "unarmed protesters."

NYT's Upgraded Gaza Reporter Featured PLO Terrorist Arafat on His Pers
August 25th, 2014 10:08 PM
As of Saturday, Fares Akram, the New York Times correspondent in Gaza usually relegated to second billing or "contributed additional reporting" on stories, is being credited with lead bylines. The timing for Akram's higher profile is inauspicious, given a recent Forbes investigation by Richard Behar on the media's slanted coverage of Israel, especially the Times, which he called "the most…

PLO Terrorist Yassir Arafat Just a 'Father Figure of Palestinian Natio
July 5th, 2012 3:12 PM
Not even in death will the New York Times accurately describe Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yassir Arafat as a terrorist.
In a January 6, 2005 story not long after Arafat's death, then-Jersualem bureau chief Steven Erlanger described Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas as having "no heroic history like that of his predecessor as chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasir…
French Reporter: Arafat Donating Blood for 9/11 Was Staged Photo Op
January 27th, 2008 7:42 PM
Remember that touching picture of Yassar Arafat donating his blood to the 9/11 victims that was conveniently published after CNN ran footage of Palestinians cheering and handing out candy to celebrate the destruction in New York? Now France 2 journalist Charles Enderlin says that photo was staged; Arafat never gave blood.The photos were taken by an AP photographer with a history of biased…