2014 Governors

MSNBC: Calling Trump/Fox News ‘Neo-Nazis’ Is ‘Absolutely Brilliant’
December 26th, 2017 6:01 PM
Tuesday morning on MSNBC, Chris Jansing and Ayman Mohyeldin brought on The Nation’s Sports Editor Dave Zirin to argue that President Trump’s attacks on kneeling NFL players was actually a campaign of “open, ugly racism” deliberately aimed at discouraging black athletes from expressing their opinions. Last week in The Nation Zirin lambasted “Donald Trump, Fox News, and their neo-Nazi-infused…

Not News: Kansas Under Sam Brownback Vastly Cuts Welfare Rolls
August 29th, 2017 11:47 PM
Since Republican Sam Brownback became the Governor of Kansas, the press has been salivating at the opportunity to declare his fiscally conservative policies a failure, to the point where they believe that their failure is an undisputed truth. Really? If they're such a failure, why have the welfare rolls in The Sunflower State declined by a reported 78 percent, and why have those who have been…

New York Times Posts Puff Piece on Palestinian Terrorist & Wife
July 11th, 2017 7:19 AM
Last week, the New York Times published a sympathetic profile of Marwan Barghoutti and his wife Fadwa, who have been separated for 15 years. In 2002, Marwan was convicted of and imprisoned for the murder of five Israeli civilians as part of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. The headline was "Fadwa Barghouti is the unflappable voice of a jailed Palestinian freedom fighter."

NYT’s U.N. Defender Again Tears Into Trump for Human Rights Hypocrisy
April 20th, 2017 2:43 PM
Reporter Somini Sengupta continued demonstrating her strange hostility toward Nikki Haley, the U.S envoy to the United Nations, in “Trump Envoy Aims to Show That Rights Are a Priority” in Wednesday’s New York Times. The text box read: “A discussion in the Security Council draws criticism.” It’s a follow-up to Sengupta’s previously, and widely condemned, Haley-bashing and ardent defense of the…

Given Dismal Failures, Polls' Poor Response Rates Justify Skepticism
October 8th, 2016 10:16 AM
This is a volatile election year, to say the least. The two major-party candidates are far less than perfect, routinely commit gaffes (or perceived gaffes), and have been hurt by a variety of negative disclosures and actions. Two other challengers have gained a degree of attention and apparent support not seen since Ross Perot's presidential runs in the 1990s. Meanwhile, mistrust of the…

Maddow Can't Bear to Mention that VA Gov Probed by FBI Is a Democrat
May 24th, 2016 7:33 PM
On this, all can agree -- when Rachel Maddow stumbles, it's not for lack of intelligence. Through relentless branding, MSNBC has convinced its viewers and many others who should know better that Maddow is the smartest person in television, or at least on MSNBC at any given moment.
Which leads to an awkward conclusion -- when Maddow commits not one but two egregious errors of omission in the same…

Lena Dunham: I Get 'More Hostility' from Left Than Right Over Hillary
March 24th, 2016 10:43 AM
Poor little Lena Dunham. It looks like she’s getting a taste of her own medicine. After constantly berating Republicans – even comparing them to Nazis – Dunham is claiming she receives “more hostility” for backing Hillary Clinton than she has ever received from conservatives.
“I have received more hostility for voting for a qualified female candidate than I have ever received anywhere from the…

AP Acts As If Illinois's Chronic Vendor Delinquency Is Something New
January 31st, 2016 11:36 PM
A Sunday morning report by Associated Press political writer John O'Connor acts as if the the sordid history of fiscal irresponsibility in the State of Illinois is a new development brought on by a stubborn Republican governor in just the past seven months.
What hogwash. The state has had a large backlog of delinquent unpaid bills for a decade, if not longer. Five years ago, a Democratic…

The Obvious Question Matthews Should Have Asked O'Malley But Didn't
November 3rd, 2015 9:34 PM
Tomorrow marks one year to the day when Larry Hogan soundly defeated Martin O'Malley protege Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown in the Maryland gubernatorial contest. Yet with O'Malley in the hot seat on the November 3 edition of Hardball, host Chris Matthews failed to ask him how this embarrassing defeat -- and Gov. Hogan's healthy job-approval ratings to this day -- might be a signal to his fellow…

NBC Developing 'Dramedy' Based on Wendy Davis
October 9th, 2015 11:32 AM
What happens if you are a candidate for governor and you lose badly? Not just a mere bad loss but one of historically bad proportions following an absolutely horrible campaign marked by the cowardice of shying from previously well known positions. Well, if you are a liberal it could mean you can score a TV show based on the aftermath of your loss. Such is the case with Wendy Davis. The "Abortion…

WashPost Promotes Frank Abortion Talk...That Leads to Democrat Losses
June 16th, 2015 11:48 AM
At a time when the conventional liberal-media wisdom insists that social conservatism is a loser for the Republican Party, it’s worth remembering that on abortion, the electoral momentum has been on the pro-life side.
Sunday’s Washington Post put feminist Cosmopolitan writer Jill Filipovic on the front of the Outlook section under the headline "Reclaiming Abortion: A new generation of activists…

Scarborough: Howard Dean the 'New England Version of Carville'
April 30th, 2015 9:13 AM
How did Howard Dean go from vivid voice of the New Left to political hack defending Hillary Clinton at all costs? Joe Scarborough called Dean on it today, telling Howard he had become the "New England version of James Carville."
Dean, on today's Morning Joe, dismissed the latest Washington Post story suggesting possible financial improprieties at the Clinton Foundation as "a breathless piece of…

A Tale of Three Governors, Media Bias Edition
April 16th, 2015 9:25 AM
It was the best of coverage - it was the worst of coverage.

12 Hours Later, Kitzhaber Wasn't on AP's 'Big Story' Front Page
February 14th, 2015 10:31 AM
Democrat John Kitzhaber announced his resignation as Governor of Oregon shortly after 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday (noon Pacific Time).
By 3 a.m. Eastern time Saturday morning, as seen here, less than 12 hours after the announcement, the Associated Press's "Big Story" page, the collection of current stories the wire service considers especially important, had no stories on Kitzhaber. But there…