Paul Waldman

MSNBC: 'How Not to Have a Psychic Meltdown' Over New Trump Poll
Paul Waldman consoles liberals on their TDS meltdowns yet sounds like he is also the one who needs deep psychological help with this ailment.

The Left’s Big Pitch: Embrace a Worse Life in the Name of Equality
This week, The New York Times released a long expose of the shortcomings of the United Kingdom’s National Health Service. Long cherished as a crown jewel of Left-wing governmental policy, the NHS has been plagued by massive resource shortcomings, requiring rationing of critical infrastructure and care. Now, citizens are waiting up to 12 hours for ambulances. “It’s a near-crisis…

Why We Can’t Have a Nice Independence Day
On July 3, 1776, shortly after the approval of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress, John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail. “I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States,” Adams wrote. “Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see…
Happy July 4! WashPost Calls For “Independence From Founding Fathers"
For many, the Fourth of July is a time to celebrate the birthday of this great nation and honor the memory of those who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to the cause of liberty. Or, if you’re Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman, you may have decided to pen an opinion piece titled, “This July 4, let’s declare our independence from the Founding Fathers.”

WashPost Writers Eat Crow for Dismissing Boston Bomber Stimulus
The Washington Post is going to have to cope. Its dismissal of Sen. Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) warnings about the Boston Bomber getting paid under President Joe Biden’s gargantuan stimulus bill have resurfaced to haunt the rag.

MSNBC: GOP Creates White ‘Victims’ While Passing ‘Racist’ Voting Laws
In a completely un-ironic segment Tuesday night on MSNBC, two liberal journalists accused the GOP of leveraging racial victimhood to get their agenda across; in this case, racist voting laws.

Trump 2020 Campaign Sues WashPost Over Op-Ed ‘Hit Piece’

Not Satire: WashPost Asks, Will Republicans Accept Election Results?

NYT Story Critical of Warren's DNA Test Hit as 'Bonkers' By Old Editor

Pundit Predicts GOP ‘Character Assassination’ of 2020 Dem Nominee

Pundit: Republicans Love Putin’s ‘Iron Hand,’ Disdain For Democracy

New Republic Writer: Obama Showed Us the Path to American Greatness

Liberal Pundit Blasts Trump’s ‘Ridiculous Whining’ About Media Bias