Jonathan Haidt

NY Times’ Frank Bruni Stands Up For Free Speech Against Left-Wing Mobs
March 9th, 2017 1:35 PM
Violent leftist mobs driving conservative speakers off campus is a story often sidelined by a liberal media reluctant to make the enemies of their conservative enemies look bad. An exception was made on the Monday, March 6 episode of the PBS talk show Charlie Rose, featuring New York TImes columnist Frank Bruni as a guest discussing the physical attacks committed during conservative scholar…

Time Thinks It Can Predict Your Politics Using Tired Profiling and Ste
January 11th, 2014 10:44 AM
Jonathan Haidt and Chris Wilson at claim that "your preferences in dogs, Internet browsers, and 10 other items predict your partisan leanings." So a left-leaning mag which is philosophically united with the crowd that insists that we must be equal opportunity friskers of 4 year-old children and 80 year-old grandmothers at airports because "we shouldn't profile" has no trouble profiling…