Mona Charen

NYT’s Stephens Compares Never Trumpers to Anti-Communist Heroes
March 1st, 2018 9:57 PM
New York Times columnist Bret Stephens penned a column published Thursday that took his Never Trump cause to another level, putting he and like-minded conservatives on-par with anti-communist heroes like Czeslaw Miloz and Vaclav Havel fighting behind the Iron Curtain against the Soviet Union.

Camerota Refers to LaPierre, Loesch, and Clarke as 'Extreme Voices'
February 26th, 2018 4:06 PM
During an interview with syndicated columnist Mona Charen, New Day co-host Alisyn Camerota referred to Conservative Political Action Conference speakers Wayne LaPierre, Dana Loesch, and David Clarke as "some of the most extreme voices."

NPR Fans Bash Mona Charen: 'Spare Us Any More Wingnuts
February 19th, 2013 3:28 PM
Matt Vespa reported yesterday that NPR listeners received a very different "Week In Review" segment last Friday night on All Things Considered, with conservative columnist Mona Charen sitting in for pseudo-conservative columnist David Brooks. Liberal NPR devotees are some of the most closed-minded people you will ever come across. They don't want any feisty conservatives on the taxpayer-…
NPR's Shocking Turn: A Real Conservative Frustrates E.J. Dionne
February 18th, 2013 5:34 PM
Last Friday’s All Things Considered segment on NPR was a real treat because David Brooks was absent, and therefore, couldn’t be his squishy self alongside liberal columnist E.J. Dionne. National Review’s Mona Charen, a real conservative, filled in for the New York Times pseudo-Republican, and effectively countered Dionne’s Obama cheerleading.
The two were asked by host Robert Siegel to…