Voter ID

WashPost Sees GOP 'Bigotry,' Try to 'Diminish' 'Clout of Black Voters'
February 14th, 2017 6:19 PM
In the editorial titled "The Grand Old Party of Disenfranchisement," the Washington Post rides to the defense of convicted felons by conflating the rights of criminals with the rights of blacks in taking aim at Virginia Republicans who are pushing to make it more difficult for felons to regain their right to vote. In its first sentence, the article accuses the Virginia GOP of trying to "suppress…

Here's Most Outrageously Liberal Quotes in Scripted Network TV: Part I
December 31st, 2016 12:10 PM
This past week, the MRC’s Rich Noyes charted some of the most outrageous liberal media quotes in 2016. They served as yet another example of how the masks came off of countless journalists this election year, revealing their liberal biases. However, it’s not just the case with the news media but also scripted shows airing in primetime on ABC, CBS, and NBC.

Mediaite: CNN Falsely Claimed Trump Encouraged Voter Fraud [UPDATED]
October 31st, 2016 11:05 AM
On Sunday night, Justin Baragona at Mediaite caught CNN red-handed nine days before the election in the highly unprofessional act of fabricating claims that Donald Trump told a Colorado rally that they should vote repeatedly on Election Day.

Columbia Journalism Review’s Truth Problem
October 23rd, 2016 5:37 PM
The truth, as they say, hurts. Nowhere is this better illustrated recently than over there at The Columbia Journalism Review. Where CJR staff writer and senior Delacorte fellow David Uberti has penned this seriously misleading piece about my recent remarks on CNN concerning the “rigged election” controversy brought to the fore by Donald Trump.

'Hardball' Guest Rules Voter Fraud Concerns in PA Are Racist
October 12th, 2016 1:03 PM
Before MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews compared President Barack Obama to Martin Luther King Jr. with a biblical delivery, Matthews expressed on Tuesday some bitterness that “the Supreme Court intervened in our electoral process” back in 2000 to which conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt promptly swatted him down.

Press Mostly Ignores Story of 19 Dead Registered to Vote in Virginia
October 2nd, 2016 6:02 PM
The left continues to insist that voter fraud is a myth, specifically that "voter fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is nearly non-existent," and that "most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless."
Part of the support system for that insistence comes from the press, where reports of election fraud routinely get ignored or downplayed.

Shep Smith Knocks Voter ID as ‘Designed to Keep Some Minorities' Away
August 31st, 2016 5:53 PM
As he’s been known to do from time-to-time, Fox News Channel (FNC) anchor Shepard Smith flashed his liberal tilt on Wednesday afternoon in reading a simple news brief about the Supreme Court putting a stay on North Carolina’s voter I.D. law by lamenting that, in his book, such laws are intended to discourage minorities from voting. The 33-second news brief started off fairly innocent with Smith…
To ID or Not to ID?
August 24th, 2016 12:34 PM
Every election cycle we must endure challenges and allegations about fraud (conservatives) and discrimination (liberals) when it comes to voter ID laws. This year is no different. A federal court ruled that the Texas Voter ID law passed in 2011, requiring voters to present official photo identification, discriminated again poor, minority and disabled voters and ordered a judge to approve new…

Maddow Blames ‘Impediments to Voting’ on Millennials Not Showing Up
April 26th, 2016 8:11 PM
Similar to the saying about the only certain things are death and taxes, one certainty when covering the liberal media is that MSNBC will complain about voter ID laws and little to no early voting being voter suppression efforts and Tuesday night was no different with the culprits being Rachel Maddow and disgraced former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams.

CBS Sounds the Alarm Playing the Race Card Against Voter ID Laws
March 15th, 2016 8:16 PM
Amidst their voluminous Super Tuesday 3 coverage, the CBS Evening News found just over two minutes to trot out the tired liberal argument that voter ID laws, like the one in North Carolina, have a racist angle. Mark Strassamann: “In North Carolina, about 1,000 voters cast provisional ballots because they didn't have enough identification to meet the state's new, strict voter ID law. The law was…
Matthews Whines About No Voter ID, Issues Moms ‘Care About' in Debate
August 7th, 2015 2:58 AM
A frequent whiner when it comes to Republicans and voter ID laws, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews couldn’t help but briefly commiserate with his guests following the first 2016 GOP presidential debate that the “denial of voting rights” and other issues like “childhood development” that “parents, especially mothers care about” were not discussed in the debate.

CNN's Costello on Voter ID: GOP 'Trying to Suppress the Black Vote'
June 24th, 2015 5:10 PM
On Wednesday, CNN Newsroom host Carol Costello and Democratic strategist Paul Begala attacked both the GOP and Jeb Bush for their positions on voter ID laws. Costello dismissed Republican voter ID concerns by asserting that there “are very few cases of voter fraud in our nation.” She added that, to critics, “it seems that they are trying to suppress the black vote.”
ABC’s GMA Decries ‘Restrictive’ Voter ID Laws
October 10th, 2014 11:27 AM
On Friday morning, ABC’s Good Morning America aired a news brief that described state voter identification laws struck down in Texas and Wisconsin as “restrictive” and passed on the opinion of the judge who put Texas’s law on hold as being “a poll tax designed to keep minorities from voting.”
During the 7:00 a.m. hour, newsreader Amy Robach offered the following news brief: "Back in this country…
MSNBC’s Wagner Smears: GOP Thinks Black Votes In Mississippi ‘Aren
July 9th, 2014 10:59 AM
Leave it to MSNBC to twist the rhetoric of the Tea Party following Thad Cochran’s upset of Chris McDaniel in the June 24 Mississippi runoff. On Tuesday's Now, host Alex Wagner and David Corn of Mother Jones both strongly suggested that racism is the reason why the Tea Party objected to thousands of Democrats pushing Cochran to victory.
Wagner sneered, “This is particularly pointed for the…