Thomas Jefferson

CNN Asks If Beheadings Are Acceptable, Claims Bible Is Pornographic
It is remarkable that CNN News Central host Pamela Brown managed to avoid setting the studio on fire from all the straw men she torched during a Tuesday interview with Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters over his plan to put the Bible back in schools as part of an effort to give Oklahoman children an accurate sense of American history. Instead, Brown kept…

Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Thomas Sowell: Two Incredible Minds
Two men with decidedly different political outlooks have been my go-to sources on race in America. They are Dr. Thomas Sowell of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr., professor and director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University. Dr. Gates has just published his latest book, “The Black Box.” The title is a…

Rich Lowry Educates CNN as It Tries to Smear Founding as Racist
National Review editor-in-chief Rich Lowry had the unenviable task of having to educate the cast of Friday’s CNN This Morning that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were not intended to perpetuate slavery and that the founding was not racist, but he still managed to perform the task quite well.

MSNBC: Florida's History Curriculum Is Akin to Defending the Holocaust
Florida has come out with their new curriculum guidelines for African-American history and MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera invited Vanderbilt Prof. Michael Eric Dyson on to her Thursday show to talk about how they allegedly are comparable to teaching that there were good things about the Holocaust.

Jefferson Founded UVA. The Student Newspaper Wants to Cancel Him
You knew it would never stop at Confederate generals. Our young Taliban has gotten the taste for erasing history – all of it (or at least that which doesn’t highlight transgendered black lesbian abortion pioneers).
Happy July 4! WashPost Calls For “Independence From Founding Fathers"
For many, the Fourth of July is a time to celebrate the birthday of this great nation and honor the memory of those who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to the cause of liberty. Or, if you’re Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman, you may have decided to pen an opinion piece titled, “This July 4, let’s declare our independence from the Founding Fathers.”

Persistence Paid Off in Win for Life
There were times over the last 50 years when some pro-lifers felt they would never see Roe v. Wade overturned and the right to life again recognized by government. Many who never doubted didn’t live to see this day. They had marched in the cold streets of Washington, D.C., in January on Roe’s anniversary. These never-doubters included Nellie Gray, founder of the March for Life, Phyllis…

It’s Happening: Here Are the Best Meltdowns From MSNBC Prime Time
It was a horrendous night on Tuesday for liberals as Republicans were poised to sweep into power in previously blue Virginia and running a close race for New Jersey’s governor’s mansion. And with that, MSNBC was beside itself with DEFCON-1 levels of hysteria that showed, at least for one night, that the far-left cable journalists and pundits had learned nothing. MSNBC again turned to Rachel…

Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of 9/11
Washington -- How did the weekend that commemorated the 20th anniversary of 9/11 -- America's Pearl Harbor for the 21st century -- go for you? There were huge American flags draping the skyscrapers of northern Virginia. The streets below, however, were relatively deserted. Across the river, there was a more traditional scene. Groups of tourists were parading around the remaining statues of…

He’s BACK! Chris Matthews Returns to MSNBC With PLENTY to Talk About
After almost a year and a half away from television, former longtime MSNBC host Chris Matthews made his return to his old network and time slot on Tuesday’s ReidOut to promote his new book and sound off on everything from the 2020 election to January 6 to his departure from MSNBC to infrastructure to the Peace Corps to even South African politics.

Colbert's Late Show Slimes Founding Fathers as 'Douche Nozzles'
Now that Stephen Colbert has officially become a “comedian” for the state, protecting Joe Biden, he has to turn elsewhere for jokes. Apparently, the show's new targets are America’s Founding Fathers, people that the Late Show on Wednesday slimed as “douche nozzles.”

Worship the State, or Else
In totalitarian societies, governments suppress the church and religious worship. That's because dictators believe citizens should worship them as the highest authority and not a Higher Authority, which they view as a threat to their power and position. In the United States, the threat to religious liberty has been under siege for some time. Last week's Thanksgiving gift to believers from the…

The Leftist Effort to Revise American History
There is very little new under the sun. The monument and statue destruction that we are witnessing has been witnessed in other times and other places. A tyrant's first battlefield is to rewrite history. Most notable were the political purges of Joseph Stalin. The Soviet government erased figures from Soviet history by renaming cities — such as the Imperial capital of St. Petersburg to…
CNNer Equates Thomas Jefferson With Accused Pedophile Hip Hop Singer
During Tuesday’s PrimeTime which saw CNN host Chris Cuomo as the voice of reason for once, radical left-wing commentator Angela Rye equated accused pedophile R. Kelly with Founding Father and author if the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson. And beyond acknowledging the personal flaws of our collective American heroes, Rye insisted all the faces on Mt. Rushmore be torn down…