Thom Tillis

ABC, NBC Take Money from TikTok, Omit User Threatening to Kill Senator
On Wednesday, North Carolina Republican Senator Thom Tillis released a disturbing voicemail his office received from a radicalized TikTok user who threatened to kill him and chop up his body. Despite the disturbing nature of the message, none of the Big Three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) decided to give the story any airtime on their Wednesday evening and Thursday morning flagship…

Weird Scarborough Urges GOPers to Denounce Trump: 'I Can See You!'
On Thursday's Morning Joe, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough dressed up his usual Republican-shaming routine with a truly antiquated reference to the old children's-TV series Romper Room, which pre-dated Sesame Street.
CBS Laments Spending in N.C. Senate Race; Blames Citizens United Case

Matthews: 'What's Worse? Thom Tillis or Ebola?!'