Susan Donaldson James Bashes 'Holiday Homophobia,' Challenges Christians Rejecti
December 26th, 2011 8:30 AM
It’s the Christmas season, and is celebrating Christ’s birth in the way that media types know best: promoting homosexuality and bashing traditional Christians for their unwavering stance on homosexuality.
A Dec 23 piece (in the “Health” Section) by reporter Susan Donaldson James, titled “Holiday Homophobia: Is It Christian to Reject Gay Partners?”, prominently features two…
ABC Pushes Taxpayer-funded Abortions with Misleading Incident, Mashed
August 17th, 2010 2:00 PM
The mainstream media’s propaganda to keep taxpayer funded abortion in ObamaCare has begun. But the article ABC posted yesterday entitled, “Immigrants lured to cheap, do-it-yourself abortion,” was 1) totally misleading; 2) misplaced blame; 3) seriously mashed terms; and 4) led with a fraudulent sob story. ABC reporter Susan Donaldson James wrote a truly shoddy piece and should be ashamed of…
ABC Perpetuates Myth of Violent Pro-Lifers
September 22nd, 2009 10:05 AM
It's standard journalistic practice to put the most important information at the very beginning of an article. For ABC News, it appeared the most pertinent facts about Irene Vilar, a woman who had 15 abortions in 16 years, were her fears about how pro-life activists would receive her new book, "Impossible Motherhood." ABC reporter Susan Donaldson James perpetuated the myth of raging pro-…