Steve King

CNN's Beinart Accuses Israel of 'State-Sponsored Bigotry'
February 13th, 2019 9:53 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom to debate whether there is an equivalence between Minnesota Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar blaming Jewish donors for Congress's support of Israel, and past comments made by several Republicans, liberal CNN contributor Peter Beinart smeared Israel by accusing the Jewish state of practicing "state-sponsored bigotry" against Palestinian Arabs in…

Cuomo, Lemon Hurl Vitriol at Trump Supporters as Okay with Racism
January 16th, 2019 5:48 PM
Showing how little respect and general goodwill they have for the humanity of Trump supporters, CNN hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon hurled more venom between their respective shows on Tuesday toward those who aren’t onboard with The Resistance because, if not, you’re at minimum endorsing bigotry and racism. A quick NewsBusters search of Lemon items would rate his claim as pants on fire.Of course…

MSNBC's Wallace Claims 'There Isn't a Strain of Racism on the Left'
January 16th, 2019 11:48 AM
On Tuesday's Deadline: White House, MSNBC host and former Republican Nicolle Wallace was in denial about the existence of racism within her new home on the left as she ridiculously claimed that "there isn't a strain of racism on the left." Her comments came during a discussion of Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King's flirtations with white nationalists that have drawn condemnation from fellow…

Sharpton Slams Steve King's 'Racially Tinged Cruelty,' Suggests 'Evil'
July 17th, 2017 10:00 AM
On Sunday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, during the show's regular "Gotcha" segment, host Al Sharpton was imagining racist dog whistles as he complained about "unmitigated, racially-tinged cruelty" from Congressman Steve King, and suggested that those who think like the Iowa Republican are "evil."

Camerota Bristles at GOP Guest Suggesting Cut in Food Stamp Program
July 12th, 2017 10:23 AM
On Wednesday's New Day on CNN, during a discussion of how to pay for President Donald Trump's proposed border wall, co-host Alisyn Camerota seemed taken aback that Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King suggested shifting money from the food stamp program to help pay for the wall. Camerota fretted: "You want to take food from people that are s -- the people who are on the lowest rung in terms of the…

CNN Double Standard: Steve King vs. 2011 Tea Party Comments
March 14th, 2017 2:15 PM
On CNN's New Day Tuesday, co-host Chris Cuomo recapped his interview on the show yesterday with Iowa Representative Steve King as the Republican congressman "just trying to provoke conversation." This comes in the midst of King facing backlash over a tweet, agreeing with far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

Cuomo Presses Against ObamaCare Repeal, Confuses 'Coverage' & 'Access'
February 28th, 2017 11:30 AM
On Tuesday's New Day, as Chris Cuomo debated Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King over the issue of ObamaCare repeal, the CNN host seemed unaware that technically having health insurance "coverage" on paper does not always guarantee that one will actually receive the health care one needs if a patient is unable to find a doctor or other health care provider to actually do the work. After Rep. King…

Cuomo Turns Discussion of Trump's Daycare Plan into Gay Rights Debate
September 14th, 2016 12:58 PM
When Iowa Republican Representative and Donald Trump supporter Steve King appeared as a guest on Wednesday's New Day to discuss Trump's plan to use the tax code to assist families with children, host Chris Cuomo managed to redirect the conversation off to a discussion of gay rights for a significant portion of the interview. The CNN host insisted that research shows that homosexual couples "are…

April Ryan: Steve King Is ‘Stunted Mentally,’ Doesn't Understand Race
July 20th, 2016 8:10 PM
Two days after a tense exchange on MSNBC involving race and American history, American Urban Radio Networks correspondent April Ryan returned to the network’s set on Wednesday night to declare her opponent from Monday in Republican Congressman Steve King (Iowa) is “stunted mentally to be honest with you.”

CNN's Cuomo and Steve King Debate Guns, Gays & PC in Orlando Terror
June 15th, 2016 5:33 PM
As Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King appeared as a guest on Tuesday's New Day to discuss the Orlando night club terror attack, CNN host Chris Cuomo pressed him over the issue of gun laws and also over whether Republicans should be making a point of specifying that it was a gay club that was targeted when speaking of the attack.
The two also got into a debate over whether political correctness…

Cuomo Frets US 'Helping ISIS' by Barring Refugees, 'Blaming Victims'
November 24th, 2015 1:47 PM
On Tuesday's New Day on CNN, as co-host Chris Cuomo debated Republican Rep. Steve King on whether Syrian refugees should be allowed into the U.S., the CNN host absurdly suggested that barring refugees might "help ISIS" because it would be "playing into ISIS's hands" by "showing that you are against these people who are desperate."
As he closed the interview for breaking news, he also got in a…

CNN's Cuomo Compares Interracial Marriage to Same-Sex 'Marriage'
July 1st, 2015 4:48 PM
On Wednesday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo again carried water for the left's social agenda as he interviewed Republican Congressman Steve King. When Rep. King contended that "no one who voted to ratify that Fourteenth Amendment gave...a thought" to the Supreme Court writing "same-sex marriage rights into that," Cuomo retorted that "you could say the same thing about race and anti-miscegenation…

Luke Russert: Boehner Survived GOP's 'Barking' 'Kamikaze Caucus'
January 6th, 2015 3:58 PM
Longtime journalist Tim Russert, who among many other things hosted NBC's Meet the Press for over 17 years, passed away suddenly in June 2008.
His son Luke now works for NBC, and among other things is a Meet the Press panelist. Based on some of his more recent output, Luke is perhaps better described not a journalist, but as the network's desginated childish, mean-spirited namecaller. After…
CBS Frets Conservatives Will Pose Challenge to Jeb Bush in '16 Primary
January 2nd, 2015 3:24 PM
On Thursday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Jan Crawford reported on former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s resignation from a number of corporate and nonprofit boards ahead of a possible campaign for president in 2016 but also found time to lament about the challenge the GOP primary could present for Bush.
“Now, the challenge of Bush is going to be running a center right campaign for the…