NewsBusters Podcast: CBS Makes It Springtime for Censors in Germany

February 17th, 2025 9:57 PM

It was a deeply weird Sunday at CBS. Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan argued that free speech led to the Holocaust, as if the Nazis allowed free speech. Then 60 Minutes promoted German prosecutors fining and jailing people for "hate speech" on social media. CBS likes a little "German order" on the internet. Jorge Bonilla joins the show to ponder the CBS mysteries.


CBS Cheers Mexico Targeting U.S. Gun Rights, Blame for Cartel Crime

December 23rd, 2024 12:20 PM

Mexico either refuses to or is utterly incapable of getting their drug cartel problem under control as they ravage innocent people. So instead, they’ve chose to shift blame to the United States and target American gun rights in a pair of lawsuits in American courts. In a segment on Sunday’s 60 Minutes, CBS News chose to cheer on Mexico’s effort as they willing pushed foreign…


Perverse CBS Says DeSantis Is the Criminal, Not the Illegal Immigrants

October 16th, 2023 12:39 PM

Two years ago, CBS reporter Sharyn Alfonsi unloaded a 60 Minutes hit piece on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his COVID-vaccine rollout. On Sunday, CBS and Alfonsi uncorked another one.  Remember DeSantis flying migrants to Martha's Vineyard? CBS promoted a Democrat sheriff in Texas who says DeSantis committed a crime. 


Shameless CBS Shrugs Off Criticism Over '60 Minutes' Hit Piece

April 12th, 2021 7:07 AM

CBS is standing by their malicious hit piece on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. On yesterday’s 60 Minutes, reporter Sharyn Alfonsi responded to the heavy criticism with an unapologetic update.

New Emails Expose CBS Wasn't Interested In a 'Fair Shot' for DeSantis

April 8th, 2021 7:34 AM

New emails from the camp of Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) handed to Fox News underline the shady way the CBS 60 Minutes team operated before their Sunday night hatchet job suggesting (without actual connecting evidence) that DeSantis engaged in a "pay to play" scheme with the Publix supermarket chain on vaccine distribution.


CBS Cuts Out DeSantis Schooling Its Reporter on Fake Vaccine Smear

April 5th, 2021 10:12 AM

Tireless in their efforts to tarnish Republican Ron DeSantis, CBS ran a malicious and deceptive hit piece against the Florida governor on Sunday night’s 60 Minutes. DeSantis has been the unfair target of many journalists in the media, who were nearly a year late to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s deadly nursing home scandal.


Propaganda: ‘60 Minutes’ Offers Gooey Profile of Lefty Parkland Kids

March 19th, 2018 12:45 PM
In roughly 14 minutes on Sunday’s 60 Minutes, CBS offered another pitifully fact-check-free piece on behalf of the liberal media about the far-left, pro-gun control Parkland survivors. It declined to seriously push back on the ugly, violent rhetoric by some students since the February 14 massacre. Correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi played stenographer as the anti-Second Amendment infomercial ignored…

Networks Finally Notice IRS's 'Black Eye' Due to 'Lost' Lois Lerner E

June 20th, 2014 11:28 PM
The Big Three networks' Friday evening newscasts finally noticed the latest development in the IRS scandal (they omitted it on Thursday), after Rep. Paul Ryan grilled Commissioner John Koskinen earlier in the day. ABC's David Muir spotlighted "the outrage...involving the IRS claiming to have lost thousands of crucial documents – lawmakers asking, how can the tax man be let off the hook for…

CBS Frets Over 'Tough' Abortion Law Being Upheld, Skips What Ruling Ac

March 28th, 2014 4:10 PM
While the CBS Evening News on Thursday and Good Morning America on Friday allowed mere seconds to explain a court ruling upholding "tough" "new abortion restrictions" in Texas, only Fox News fully detailed what the decision and law actually do. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Evening News guest anchor Sharyn Alfonsi briefly informed, "A federal appeals court today upheld Texas' new abortion…