
Network Freak-Out: ‘Outrage,’ ‘Turmoil,’ ‘Panic’...Over Lower Taxes

February 13th, 2019 6:16 PM
For days, the broadcast networks have been warning of a nation in “turmoil,” with “outrage” and downright “panic” sweeping across the country. The source of the crisis? Last year’s tax reform law that allowed Americans to keep more of their own money. In short, the media were aghast that some taxpayers were getting smaller refunds or even owing money to the IRS after having less money taken out…

NBC Swamps Jobs News in Trade Fears, CBS Shortchanges With 17 Seconds

June 4th, 2018 4:01 PM
The “booming jobs market” got very different treatment from each of the three broadcast networks as unemployment dropped to 3.8 percent. While ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows all reported the “stronger than expected” numbers, NBC Nightly News spent more than four times as long complaining about a tweet from President Trump ahead of the jobs numbers and fears of a trade war that “threaten”…

NBC Ignores Apple's 20K New Jobs, CBS Censors the Role of Tax Cuts

January 17th, 2018 8:51 PM
The GOP tax cuts scored yet another win on Wednesday when tech giant Apple cited the cuts as a driving factor for their newly announced plans to build a new campus, create 20,000 new jobs, and invest $350 billion in the U.S. economy among other exciting announcements. But despite the great news, NBC Nightly News and Spanish-language networks Univision and Telemundo failed to cover the story at…

Nets Fear Political Conspiracy in DOJ Blocking Media Merger

November 21st, 2017 5:05 PM
On Tuesday, all three network morning shows fretted over the Justice Department filing a lawsuit to block a planned merger between telecommunications giants AT&T and Time Warner. Hosts and correspondents warned of “politics” being “at play” in the decision and touted how critics were “raising concerns about the motive behind the government’s legal challenge.”

ABC Cherry-Picks From Google Memo, Omits Criticism of Liberal Bias

August 10th, 2017 10:35 AM
Thursday on Good Morning America, ABC continued their skewed reporting on the leaked memo from a former Google engineer that criticized his company’s approach to diversity in the workplace. But today’s report from ABC was the most biased yet. Correspondent Rebecca Jarvis cherry-picked the most unflattering generalizations about women from James Damore’s ten page memo, completely ignoring these…

NBC Skips as ABC, CBS Trumpet Facebook Pushback on Censorship Scandal

May 13th, 2016 1:40 PM
On Friday morning, NBC’s Today completely ignored a statement published late Thursday night by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg denying claims that his site has censored conservative news stories and promoted some topics as trending even though they weren’t. CBS This Morning and ABC’s Good Morning America devoted full stories to defending Zuckerberg and thus furthering the narrative from the past…

Shock: ABC Covers Clothing Company Touting Pro-Abortion Steinem

February 26th, 2016 4:55 PM
Good Morning America on Friday actually noticed a controversy involving the very pro-abortion feminist Gloria Steinem. Clothing company Lands' End was forced to apologize for featuring Steinem in its spring issue. Reporter Rebecca Jarvis explained what caused the outrage from pro-life Americans: “An interview with feminist, journalist and political activist Gloria steinem after customers flooded…

ABC, NBC Fail to Label Far-Left Greek Government in Debt Coverage

June 29th, 2015 11:25 PM
In their coverage Monday night of the debt crisis in Greece, ABC and NBC refused to label the current Greek government as socialist, far-left, or even left-wing with ABC neglecting to even explain why Greece has found itself in such a precarious position as they stand to possibly default on their billions of dollars in debt and/or leave the Eurozone. In contrast to both networks, the CBS Evening…

ABC Heralds $3.43-A-Gallon Gas, Forget Prices Spiked Under Obama

August 27th, 2014 3:56 PM
The news media think that because gas prices have fallen to an average of $3.43-a-gallon there is room to rejoice, even as the record streak of gas prices above $3-a-gallon continues. By Labor Day that record will stand at 1,349 days. ABC’s “Good Morning America” praised the “nice surprise” of lower gas prices on Aug. 26, just in time for Labor Day weekend.

Networks Fret Over Burger King 'Defecting' to Canada to Pay Lower Taxe

August 27th, 2014 2:24 PM

As news broke on Tuesday of Burger King buying Tim Hortons and moving its corporate headquarters to Canada, the broadcast networks quickly adopted the liberal talking point that the fast food chain was being unpatriotic by avoiding high U.S. tax rates. On Tuesday's ABC World News, anchor Diane Sawyer proclaimed: "Burger King, home of the Whopper, accused of doing something a lot of Americans…

Matt Lauer Tries to 'Tread Lightly' Through Feminist Minefield with GM

June 27th, 2014 12:17 PM
On Thursday’s Today, NBC host Matt Lauer walked into trouble with the feminists by asking GM CEO Mary Barra if she could be a mother and a CEO and do both jobs well – causing every liberal to pull out the card “You don’t ask the males that.” Charlotte Alter at Time asked: “How’s this for a question: Can Matt Lauer be a good dad and host the Today Show? Let’s discuss.” (Video below)

ABC, NBC Too Busy With O.J. Simpson Police Chase Anniversary To Cover

June 11th, 2014 8:58 PM
CBS Evening News was the only Big Three evening newscast on Wednesday to report that the FBI has opened a criminal investigation into the V.A. scandal. Neither ABC's World News nor NBC Nightly News covered this latest development in the ongoing controversy. Instead, both programs devoted air time to the 20th anniversary of O.J. Simpson's slow-speed run from the police, after the murder of his…

Big Three Hype Fast Food Workers' Protests; Censor SEIU's Involvement

December 5th, 2013 6:11 PM
On Thursday, ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning newscasts all spotlighted how "fast food workers across the country are holding strikes to demand higher wages", but failed to point out the involvement of left-leaning groups in organizing the protests. ABC's Good Morning America and CBS This Morning featured spokesmen from the "Fast Food Forward" movement, but didn't include their respective…

Flashback: Journalists Marveled Over Before It Opened

October 22nd, 2013 11:55 AM
While the media are now calling the ObamaCare rollout a "mess" and the website a "bust," some journalists and pundits were a lot more optimistic right before the exchanges opened. Despite warnings that the website and exchanges would not be ready to open on time, journalists marveled over how easy the website,, would be to navigate. That optimism crumbled as, in one notable…