Shameless Media Blast Impeachment of Corrupt Brazilian as a 'Coup'

May 13th, 2016 11:39 AM
“Brazil Coup Complete,” claims the leftist Huffington Post. It reproduces a Reuters article about Brazil’s democratically elected Senate voting today to put the country’s corrupt leader on trial. But there is no coup. Rather, Brazil’s President, leftist Dilma Roussef, is being impeached for abuses of power:  

Fiddling Away Black Futures

May 11th, 2016 2:33 PM
Most black politicians, ministers, civil rights advocates and professionals support Hillary Clinton's quest for the presidency. Whoever becomes the next president, whether it's a Democrat or Republican, will mean little or nothing in terms of solutions to major problems that confront many black people. We've already seen that even a black president means little or nothing. Politics and political…

NewsBusted: Obama Left Out a Big Detail from His Commencement Speech

May 10th, 2016 8:35 PM
“President Obama gave the commencement speech at Howard University: He told graduates their future is bright.  Unless they want jobs.” - NewsBusted’s Jody Miller

CNN Guest Excoriates Stelter, Media for Hypocritical, 'Repulsive' WHCD

May 2nd, 2016 4:33 PM
CNN's Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter dedicated much of his Sunday show to the aftermath of the White House Correspondents Dinner and included far-left New York public radio host Bob Garfield tearing into media members like Stelter for attending such a "repulsive" "sham" that's a "disgrace" to the idea of an independent press.

HuffPost Asks Satanist If Ted Cruz Is Really 'Lucifer in the Flesh'

April 28th, 2016 6:28 PM
After former House Speaker John Boehner told students at Stanford University in California on Wednesday that GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz is “Lucifer in the flesh” and “a miserable son of a b**ch,” an editor at the liberal Huffington Post website decided to go to the source and find out if the Texas senator is really the devil. According to an article by Sam Stein, the site's senior…

CNN Pushes Wilmore to Admit His Show ‘Probably’ ‘Trends Left’

April 28th, 2016 4:18 PM
In a profile of White House Correspondents Dinner host Larry Wilmore, CNN’s At This Hour co-host John Berman openly admitted (unlike CBS This Morning) on Thursday to Wilmore’s agreement that The Nightly Show is “admittedly liberal” and “trends left” toward “more pro-Democratic policies and politicians.”

NewsBusted: This Wasn’t the Golf Summit the President Was Here for!

April 27th, 2016 9:15 PM
“President Obama went to Saudi Arabia for the Persian Gulf Summit. Aides say he was disappointed because when he agreed to participate, he thought it was the Persian Golf Summit.” - NewsBusted’s Jody Miller

CBS Swoons Over ‘Passionate Centrist’ Obama Fan Larry Wilmore

April 25th, 2016 12:12 PM
Making his latest appearance on CBS This Morning with co-host, devout fan, and Obama friend Gayle King, Nightly Show host Larry Wilmore was serenaded on Monday by King and her fellow co-hosts as a “passionate centrist” who loves President Obama but supposedly mocks politicians on both sides. 

CBS Hails Obama Meeting Trans Person; Touts UK Travel Warning to NC

April 23rd, 2016 9:27 PM
In lieu of a story on the 2016 election, Saturday's CBS Evening News featured a full report promoting the United Kingdom's travel advisory for Mississippi and North Carolina in light of religious liberty laws and gushing over President Barack Obama's town hall in London that featured "an emotional statement of personal identity" from a transgender person.

FNC Panel Lambastes Obama, Media Over Treatment of Fast and Furious

April 13th, 2016 8:23 PM
Moments after the Fox News Channel program Special Report provided viewers the first look at documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal finally surrendered by the Obama administration, the All-Star Panel lambasted the administration’s lack of transparency and predicted that the document dump will fetch “minimal coverage in the mainstream media.”

CNN Fails to Ask Hillary About Scandals While Wallace Questions Obama

April 10th, 2016 1:59 PM
CNN's State of the Union host Jake Tapper scored the lone Sunday morning talk show interview with Hillary Clinton and, unfortunately, Tapper failed to ask her about either Benghazi, the e-mail scandal, or the Clinton Foundation and instead discussed Black Lives Matter protesters, a $15 minimum wage, the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and a contested convention.

CNN Panel Goes Nuclear on Obama Over Optics Post-Brussels

March 24th, 2016 1:49 AM
Moments after video surfaced on Wednesday night of President Obama doing the tango while visiting Argentina, the panel on CNN’s AC360 did little to contain their disdain for the President continuing to engage in lighter fare they dubbed “frivolous” and “shameful” in the immediate 24-36 hours after the deadly Islamic terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium.

ESPN Cries ‘Invasion’ After Cuba Broadcast Is Halted by Dissidents

March 24th, 2016 1:27 AM
Bob Ley, ESPN's longest-serving commentator, was in Cuba yesterday after the Tampa Bay Rays defeated the island nation's national team 4-1 in an exhibition baseball game. Shortly after the conclusion of that game, ESPN had Ley report from a rather nice-looking streetscape in Havana (not your typical avenue in the workers' paradise). As he did, a demonstrator interrupted him. ESPN, acting as if…

Krauthammer: Obama Is on a ‘Holiday Trip' to Cuba as 'The World Burns'

March 22nd, 2016 9:23 PM
Fox News contributor, frequent Special Report panelist, and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer was given his own segment on Tuesday night’s Fox News Channel (FNC) show in light of the Islamic terror attacks in Brussels and he used his airtime to berate President Obama for his “ideological holiday trip” to communist Cuba “while the world burns.”