
ABC Omits Polls Showing Most Americans Oppose Obama on Syrian Refugees

November 18th, 2015 10:40 PM
Following the Wednesday morning newscasts in which ABC, CBS, and NBC praised the “outraged” President Obama for “slamming” Republican wanting to restrict Syrian refugees, the “big three” were back on the case Wednesday night in spinning for the President. However, CBS and NBC did make time to include how polls now show a majority of Americans want to put a moratorium on refugees for the time…

President's Mudslinging Confuses Joe, Ignatius 'GOP Governors Worse'

November 18th, 2015 11:27 AM
Morning Joe on Wednesday discussed the recent remarks by President Obama on Republicans who are “afraid of orphans and widows.” When the discussion turned to David Ignatius for commentary, he gave a defense of Obama. Scarborough would press Ignatius with on using "the widows and orphans" to antagonize Republican governors. While Ignatius conceded there is always room to correct the words used, he…

Morning Joe Sees the President Disengaged Against ISIS

November 16th, 2015 12:17 PM
Monday’s Morning Joe began with an evaluation of the actions of the White House prior to and after the attack on Paris Friday night. Joe Scarborough began by demanding to know if the roundtable thought the President actually looked involved and engaged in understanding “the level of threat.” When Mike Barnicle tried to claim the President “looks fully engaged,” Scarborough felt it necessary to…

FNC Panel: Dems Are 'Small' on ISIS Post-Attacks; US Not Doing Enough

November 14th, 2015 9:29 PM
A special Saturday edition of Fox News Channel’s Special Report aired due to the terror attacks 24 hours earlier in Paris with a panel of The Weekly Standard’s Steve Hayes, U.S. News & World Report’s David Catanese, and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer. Collectively, the panel had a variety of takes, ranging from slamming the Democratic presidential candidates for seeming “very small…

NBC Skimps on Report V.A. Paid $142 Million in Bonuses Amid Scandal

November 11th, 2015 11:43 PM
On Wednesday night, NBC Nightly News neglected to inform its viewers of a new report concerning the scandal-ridden Department of Veterans Affairs and the $142 million it paid out in bonuses to employees (including some who were facing discipline and/or recently fired). Compiled by the House Veterans Affairs Committee, the report stated that some of those who received bonuses still got them…

Carson, Camerota Duel over Bio, Media Coverage; 'Give Me a Break'

November 6th, 2015 4:33 PM
As this writer documented in this space earlier on Friday, the interview of the day took place over on CNN during Friday’s New Day with tempers flaring between co-host Alisyn Camerota and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson. In addition to Carson hitting back at the liberal Camerota over her previous history at Fox News, there were other examples of sparks flying as Camerota hounded…

Holt Praises Obama’s 'Candid' & ‘Pointed Jabs’ at GOPers [UPDATED]

November 3rd, 2015 9:10 PM
One day after he pitched a softball to President Obama by asking him if criminal justice reform was “your defining moment” as the country’s first African-American President, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt returned with part two on Tuesday’s newscast by touting Obama’s “pointed jabs” and “candid assessment” of the 2016 Republican field.

Holt to Obama: Is Criminal Justice Reform ‘Your Defining Moment?'

November 2nd, 2015 8:53 PM
In his first interview with President Barack Obama since taking over as NBC Nightly News anchor, Lester Holt gave the President a friendly platform on Monday to promote criminal justice reform and his decision to send a small group of U.S. troops into Syria. Holt served up a fawning question to the President if he viewed it as “your defining moment” considering the fact that he’s the first…

CNBC’s Harwood Declares Obama’s Economy Is ‘Strongest in the World'

October 28th, 2015 7:24 PM
Continuing to come unhinged and flash his liberal colors in the first CNBC Republican presidential debate on Wednesday, co-moderator John Harwood pontificated that President Obama has made the United States economy “the strongest in the world.”

Networks Sidestep Obama's Defense Spending Veto; ABC, NBC Air Nothing

October 26th, 2015 4:03 PM
On Thursday, October 22, 2015, President Barack Obama signed a veto message of the National Defense Authorization Act. The NDAA establishes budgets and policies for the Defense Department, and in the last 53 years it has only been vetoed four times. Coverage of the veto signing and its significance has been rather dismal despite Obama summoning the White House press for a public signing. ABC and…

Networks Punt on Obama WH Revising Position on Hillary’s E-Mails

October 16th, 2015 4:09 PM
While the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC all prominently touted on Monday President Obama’s defense of Hillary Clinton on her e-mail scandal in a 60 Minutes interview, none of the three dared to report later in the week how the Obama administration largely walked it back by declaring that Obama believes Clinton’s private e-mail server “does not pose a threat to national security” “based on what…

Stirewalt Pans Obama for Poor CBS Interview with 'Obama-Nuzzler' Kroft

October 13th, 2015 2:39 AM
In a humorous and pithy takedown of President Obama for his performance on CBS’s 60 Minutes Sunday, Fox News Digital Politics Editor Chris Stirewalt appeared on Monday’s edition of The Kelly File to express his astonishment with how Obama’s reached “the point of utter incredulity, even with people who were once very admiring” like 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Kroft who Stirewalt described as “…

CBS TM Gushes Over ‘Feisty’ Obama Finding Final Years as ‘Liberating'

October 9th, 2015 3:26 PM
Previewing President Obama’s latest interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes with Steve Kroft, the 60 Minutes correspondent and the co-hosts of Friday’s CBS This Morning fawned over the President’s performance as “feisty” and proof that he finds his final years in office “liberating” as he does not have to go before voters again. 

CBS Pushes Retrospective of Obama’s ‘Evolving Anger’ on Gun Control

October 2nd, 2015 1:04 PM
Friday’s CBS This Morning offered extensive coverage of the deadly shooting on Thursday at a community college in Roseburg, Oregon, but one of the segments took a broader, sappy look at pushing gun control through the lens of President Obama’s “evolving anger” on the inability to pass gun control measures through Congress where he’s found “little” of any “hope and change.”