
Trevor Noah: ‘I Feel Bad’ Obama Hasn't Passed Gun Control

December 4th, 2015 1:07 AM
Moments before Daily Show host Trevor Noah went on a tirade Thursday night calling Ted Cruz “an asshole” and comparing him to a skunk, the liberal late-night comic admitted that the “feel[s] bad” for President Obama because “[h]e has been begging for gun control for six years” to no success supposedly because of Republican Senators.

NBC NN Runs Atrocious Report Attacking Prayer, Praising Gun Control

December 3rd, 2015 9:18 PM
Following the liberal media’s strategy of attacking God-fearing people for offering their “thoughts and prayers” concerning the San Bernardino shooting, Thursday’s NBC Nightly News joined that chorus with a unrelenting report from NBC News correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell that also lamented the lack of Democratic gun control proposals. She touted: "Liberal blogger Igor Volsky set off…

ABC, CBS Omit Obama Walkback on ISIS, Disconnect w/Joint Chiefs Chair

December 1st, 2015 9:45 PM
On Tuesday night, ABC and CBS refused to acknowledge a pair of points in its respective stories concerning news that additional U.S. special forces will be stationed inside Iraq to fight ISIS and will engage in combat roles. Along with not mentioning that the move represented the latest example of backpedaling by President Obama on a pledge to not put U.S. troops on the ground, the two networks…

Network Evening Shows Spend 15 Mins Hyping Climate Change Agenda

November 30th, 2015 9:56 PM
Seeking to boost President Barack Obama and backers of the Paris climate change summit, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted on Monday night over 15 minutes of airtime across six segments touting the summit, a Discovery Channel documentary on climate change, a hashtag campaign, and climate scientists in the Arctic Circle -- to name a few examples. CBS anchor Scott Pelley: "…

Fiorina Slams ‘Delusional’ Obama for Pushing Climate Change as Threat

November 29th, 2015 11:24 AM
Appearing on November 29's Fox News Sunday, 2016 Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina slammed President Barack Obama and his allies as “delusional” for continually pushing the notion that climate change is a chief national security threat for the United States and the world at-large. 

Stephanopoulos Praises Obama’s ‘Forceful Rhetoric’ on ISIS, Paris

November 25th, 2015 1:43 PM
While awaiting President Barack Obama’s remarks on Wednesday concerning national security as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, ABC News chief anchor, former Clinton staffer, and Clinton Foundation donor George Stephanopoulos couldn’t help but repeatedly gush over the President’s supposedly “forceful rhetoric” on ISIS following the Paris terror attacks.

Goldberg: Japanese Internment Racist; Denying Syrians Rational

November 25th, 2015 1:10 PM
Tuesday Night on The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly and Bernie Goldberg discussed the ‘morality play’ created by NBC's Harry Smith on the Syrian refugee crisis, complete with Bible verses, as was previously documented on NewsBusters. Smith had tried to compare the Japanese internment with the refugee crisis. Bernie set fire to the idea when he said, “He [President Roosevelt] only interned…

NBC Frets Russian Jet Shoot Down ‘Managed to Overshadow’ WH Meeting

November 24th, 2015 8:36 PM
In NBC Nightly News’s coverage of President Obama’s Tuesday meeting with French President Hollande, the newscast complained that Turkey’s decision to shoot down a Russian fighter jet had “managed to overshadow” the “crucial meeting at the White House” and further “derailed” an attempt to forge a more cohesive coalition to fight ISIS with Russia.

IBD Slams Libs for ‘Deadly Denial’ of Threat Posed by Radical Islam

November 24th, 2015 4:45 PM
An editorial in Tuesday’s print edition of Investor’s Business Daily firmly took President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Democratic Party to task for their “deadly denial” of radical Islam and the prominent role it’s played in the war on terrorism and terrorist attacks from 9/11 to Fort Hood to Paris. 

Krauthammer: Obama 'So Exposed, So Naked on the World Stage'

November 24th, 2015 1:51 PM
On Monday night on The O’Reilly Factor, Charles Krauthammer discussed with Bill O’Reilly the growing rhetoric of the White House and its attempt to downplay or diminish the threat that radical Islam is on the world. Shortly after a clip of President Obama criticizing the media for conflating ISIS’s power, Krauthammer opened up on the President. 

NYT: Terror Attacks Have 'Hijacked' Obama's Trips; New 'Distraction'

November 23rd, 2015 8:08 PM
The New York Times earned its keep as a foot soldier for the Obama administration as White House correspondent Michael D. Shear offered a piece in Monday’s paper lamenting that many of the President’s foreign trips have been “hijacked” by breaking news stories with the Paris terror attacks “spawn[ing] another distraction” from Obama’s agenda. 

NBC Hits GOP for ‘Ugly’ Refugee Talk; Hillary ‘Going Against the Tide'

November 19th, 2015 9:13 PM
NBC Nightly News lashed out at conservatives and Republicans on Thursday for creating an “ugly” and “angry debate” with President Obama over whether to accept Syrian refugees while gushing how Hillary Clinton was “[g]oing against the tide” of a bipartisan majority of voters and members of the House in backing the President.

Atlantic: Republicans Engage in Race-Baiting, But Might Not Be Racists

November 19th, 2015 3:41 PM
On Tuesday, The Atlantic featured an article that lamented decades of Republican race-baiting in presidential campaigns. The piece by [authors] allow that race-baiting “does not mean that those who employ them are racists,” but it does “show a willingness to exploit societal ills for political gain.” The authors don’t think Republicans are racists, just that Republicans have a tendency to exploit…

O'Donnell Rips Cruz's Reply to Obama on Refugees; ‘Childish Bluster'

November 19th, 2015 7:02 AM
Roughly 30 minutes after (perhaps appropriately) ripping into the media for their labeling of ISIS terrorist Abdelhamid Abaaoud the “mastermind” of Friday’s Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris, MSNBC’s Last Word host Lawrence O’Donnell struck out against Republican Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) for engaging in “predictable, childish bluster” by responding to President Obama’s denouncement of his stance…